Ramzy, F. J.*    

Firstname:F. J.* 
Institute:Department of Zoology, A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute, University of Jos, Laminga, Nigeria. 

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Publications as Author


Citizen science mitigates the lack of distributional data on Nigerian birds, Tende, T.*, Iniunam, I. A.*, Ivande, S. T.*, Awoyemi, A. G., Danmallam, B. A.*, Ringim, A. S.*, Bako, L. A.*, Ramzy, F. J.*, Kazeh, N. W.*, Izang, A. I.*, Kumdet, P. S.*, Ibrahim, J. I.*, Haruna, M. A.*, Eyos, K.*, Iki, E. D.*, Chaskda, A. A.* and Ottosson, U.*, in: Ecology and Evolution, volume 14, number 4: e11280, pages 1-10, ISSN 2045-7758, 2024. [DOI]