Wadie, B. A.*    

Firstname:B. A.* 
Institute:The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Crops Research Institute (CSIR-CRI), P.O.BOX 3785, Kumasi-Ghana. 
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Publications as Author


Climate Information Services, Climate-Smart Agriculture, and One Health Innovations for Resilient Food Systems: Capacitation of Intermediaries and Lead Farmers in Ghana, Yeboah, S.*, Martey, F.*, Clottey, V., Damba, O. T.*, Adomako, D., Nii-Koi, G.*, Frimpong-Annin, K.*, Wadie, B. A.*, Amankwaa-Yeboah, P.*, Dalaa, M. A., Obeng, F., Tepa-Yotto, G., Agboton, C. and Tamo, M., 2022.