Olatunde, T. E.*    

Firstname:T. E.* 
Institute:Department of Crop Science, University of Cape Coast, University Post Office, Cape Coast, Ghana. 
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Publications as Author


Exploring quantitative trait nucleotides associated with response to yam mosaic virus severity and tuber yield traits in Dioscorea praehensilis Benth. germplasm via genome-wide association scanning, Adewumi, A. S., Adejumobi, I. I., Opoku, V. A.*, Asare, P. A.*, Adu, M. O.*, Taah, K. J.*, Stanley, A. E.*, Olatunde, T. E.*, Afutu, E.*, Akaba, S.*, Mushoriwa, H . and Agre, A. P., in: Frontiers in Horticulture, volume 3, number - :1459476, pages 1-15, ISSN 2813-3595, 2024. [DOI]
Analysis of parent and F1 progeny verification in African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Hochst, Ex. A. Rich. Harms) using cowpea SSR markers, Adefiranye, A. O., Ogunkanmi, L. A.*, Adeyemo, O.*, Olatunde, T. E.*, Paliwal, R., Abberton, M. and Oyatomi, O., in: Crops, volume 4, pages 480-490, ISSN 2673-7655, 2024. [DOI]