Laly, J.*    

Institute:National High School of Applied Biosciences and Biotechnologies (ENSBBA), National University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (UNSTIM), Dassa-Zoumee, BP 14, Benin 
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Agronomic performance and consumer acceptability of improved water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) varieties in the Republic of Benin, Dansi, M.*, Loko, Y.*, Fakorede, J.*, Agre, A. P., Laly, J.*, Amegan, A.*, Ogou, H.*, Adebola, P. O., Yedomonhan, H.* and Dansi, A.*, in: Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, volume 18, number -: 101292, pages 1-12, ISSN 2666-1543, 2024. [DOI]