Oppong-Mensah, B. A.    

Firstname:B. A. 
Institute:Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), Ghana 

1 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Constructing A Climate-Smart readiness index for smallholder farmers: The case of prioritized bundles of climate information services and climate smart agriculture in Ghana, Damba, O. T.*, Ageyo, D. O., Kizito, F.+, Mponela, P., Yeboah, S.*, Clottey, V., Oppong-Mensah, B. A., Bayala, J., Obeng Adomaa, F., Dalaa, M. A., Martey, F.*, Huyer, S., Zougmore, R., Tepa-Yotto, G. and Tamo, M., in: Climate Services, volume 34, number -: 100453, pages 1-12, ISSN 2405-8807, 2024. [DOI]