Tiki-Manga, T.*    

Institute:Institut de la Recherche Agricole pour le Developpement, Nkolbisson, Yaounde, Cameroun 

5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


The forest margins of Cameroon; slash and burn: the search for alternatives, Gockowski, J., Tonyé, J., Diaw, C., Hauser, S., Kotto-Same, J., Moukam, A., Njomgang, R.*, Nwaga, D.*, Tiki-Manga, T.*, Tondoh, J., Tchoundjeu, Z., Weise, S., Zapfack, L.* and Palm, C., pages 305-331, chapter 14, Columbia University Press, 2005.
Groundnut, maize and cassava yields in mixed-food crop fields after calliandra tree fallow in southern Cameroon, Nolte, C., Tiki-Manga, T.*, Badjel-Badjel, S.*, Gockowski, J. and Hauser, S., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 41, number 1, pages 21-37, ISSN 0014-4797, 2005. [DOI]


Effect of Calliandra planting pattern on biomass production and nutrient accumulation in planted fallows of southern Cameroon, Nolte, C., Tiki-Manga, T.*, Badjel-Badjel, S.*, Gockowski, J., Hauser, S. and Weise, S., in: Forest Ecology and Management, volume 179, pages 535-545, 2003.


Alternatives to slash-and-burn: summary report and synthesis of phase II Cameroon, Kotto-Same, J., Moukam, A., Njomgang, R.*, Tiki-Manga, T.*, Tonyé, J., Diaw, C., Gockowski, J., Hauser, S., Weise, S., Nwaga, D.*, Zapfack, L.*, Palm, C., Woomer, P. L., Gillison, A., Bignell, D. and Tondoh, J., 2000.


Stepwise approach to alley cropping technology development and transfer in the forest zone of Cameroon, Tonyé, J., Duguma, B. and Tiki-Manga, T.*, in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 28, pages 269-278, 1994.