Sawadogo, S. P.*    

Firstname:S. P.* 
Institute:Departement de Biologie Medicale et Sante Publique, Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS), Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. 
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Publications as Author


Using artificial odors to optimize attractiveness of host decoy traps to malaria vectors, Akoton, R.*, Sawadogo, S. P.*, Tossou, E., Nikiema, A.*, Tchigossou, G ., Sovegnon, P. M.*, Djogbenou, S. L.*, Zeukeng, F.*, Hawkes, F. M.*, Dabire, R.*, Djouaka, R. F. and Gibson, G., in: Journal of Medical Entomology, volume 61, number 3, pages 808-814, ISSN 0022-2585, 2024.