Adebowale, A. R.    

Firstname:A. R. 
Institute:IITA - Kinshasa 
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Publications as Author


Experimental studies of a hybrid peeling process for cassava roots, Adegoke, A. F.*, Oke, M. O.*, Oriola, K.*, Adekoyeni, O.*, Sanni, L. and Adebowale, A. R., in: Agricultural Engineering International, volume 26, number 3, pages 170-184, ISSN 1682-1130, 2024.
Development, chemical composition, textural characterization and sensory acceptability of oyster or big cup mushroom incorporated chicken meatloaves, Olabinke, C. K.*, Adegoke, A. F.*, Sobukola, O. P.*, Fafiolu, A. O.* and Adebowale, A. R., in: Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, pages 1-25, ISSN 1542-8052, 2024. [DOI]