Mandah, V. P.    

Firstname:V. P. 
Institute:IITA - Cameroon 
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Publications as Author


Soil organic carbon and nutrient content across agricultural systems in the forest-savannah transition zone of Cameroon, Mandah, V. P., Masso, C., Onana, A. A., Fiaboe, K., Arthur, E., Giweta, M., Ndango, R., Silatsa, F. B. T.*, Voulemo, D. D. I.*, Biloa, J. B., Ngeumezi, C.* and Tematio, P.*, in: Soil & Tillage Research, volume 248, number -: 106458, pages 1-14, ISSN 0167-1987, 2025. [DOI]


Variability of soil organic carbon and nutrient content across land uses and agriculturally induced land use changes in the forest-savanna transition zone of Cameroon, Mandah, V. P., Tematio, P.*, Onana, A. A., Fiaboe, K., Arthur, E., Giweta, M., Ndango, R., Silatsa, F. B. T.*, Voulemo, D. D. I.*, Biloa, J. B., Ngeumezi, C.* and Masso, C., in: Geoderma Regional, volume 37, number -: e00808, pages 1-12, ISSN 2352-0094, 2024. [DOI]