Soremi, P. S.*    

Firstname:P. S.* 
Institute:Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria 

3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Current problems leading to soil degradation in Africa: raising awareness and finding potential solutions, Mesele, S. A., Mechri, M.*, Okon, M. A.*, Isimikalu, T. O.*, Wassif, O. M.*, Asamoah, E.*, Ahmad, H. A.*, Moepi, P. I.*, Gabasawa, A. I.*, Bello, S. K.*, Ayamba, B. E.*, Owonubi, A.*, Olayiwola, V. A.*, Soremi, P. S.* and Khurshid, C., in: European Journal of Soil Science, volume 76, number 1: e70069, pages 1-22, ISSN 1351-0754, 2025. [DOI]


Exploring farmer's assessment of soil quality and root yield in cassava-based cropping systems, Mesele, S. A., Soremi, P. S.* and Adigun, J. K.*, in: Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, volume 23, pages 533-541, ISSN 1658-077X, 2024. [DOI]
Organic carbon and nutrient enrichment in clay-rich calcareous soils in self-regenerating fallows in humid tropical agroecology, Mesele, S. A., Soremi, P. S.*, Ayamba, B. E.*, Aderolu, J.* and Olayiwola, V. A.*, in: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, volume 17, number -: 313, pages 1-13, ISSN 1866-7511, 2024. [DOI]