Scherm, H.    


8 publications (0 read)

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Septoria leaf spot reduces flower bud number and return yield in southern blueberries, Ojiambo, P., Scherm, H. and Brannen, P., in: Plant Disease, volume 90, number 1, pages 51-57, 2006.
Factors affecting plant disease suppression by biocontrol: a meta-analysis, Ojiambo, P. and Scherm, H., in: Phytopathology, volume 96, number 96, pages S87, 2006.
Optimum sample size for determining disease severity and defoliation associated with Septoria leaf spot of blueberry, Ojiambo, P. and Scherm, H., in: Plant Disease, number 9, pages 1209-1213, 2006.
Biological and application-oriented factors influencing plant disease suppression by biological control: a meta-analytical review, Ojiambo, P. and Scherm, H., in: Phytopathology, volume 96, number 11, pages 1168-1174, ISSN 0031-949X, 2006. [DOI]
Trends in theoretical plant epidemiology, Scherm, H., Ngugi, H. and Ojiambo, P., in: European Journal of Plant Pathology, volume 115, pages 61-73, 2006.


Epidemiology of Septoria leaf spot on blueberry: temporal dynamics, effects of leaf age, and relationship to defoliation and yield. (Abstract in Phytopathology), Ojiambo, P. and Scherm, H., 2005.
Survival analysis of time to abscission of blueberry leaves affected by Septoria leaf spot, Ojiambo, P. and Scherm, H., in: Phytopathology, volume 95, number 1, pages 108-113, ISSN 0031-949X, 2005.
Temporal progress of Septoria leaf spot on rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei), Ojiambo, P. and Scherm, H., in: Plant Disease, volume 89, number 10, pages 1090-1096, ISSN 0191-2917, 2005.