Defoer, T.    


4 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Using farmer knowledge to combat low productive spots in an irrigated rice scheme in Burkina Faso, Van Asten, P., Barro, S., Wopereis, M. and Defoer, T., in: Land Degradation and Development, volume 15, pages 383-396, 2004.


Towards integrated soil fertility: experiences from southern Mali, Defoer, T., Kante, S., Hilhorst, T. and De Groote, H., in: Towards sustainable farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the African Association of Farming Systems Research-Extension and Training (AAFSRET), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 21�23 August 98, pages 27-48, African Association of Farming Systems Research-Extension and Training (AAFSRET), 1998.
Participatory action research and quantitative analysis for nutrient management in southern Mali: a fruitful marriage?, Defoer, T., De Groote, H., Hilhorst, T., Kante, S. and Budelman, A., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 71, number 1-3, pages 215-228, ISSN 0167-8809, 1998.


Gender and variety selection: Farmers assessment of local corn varieties in southern Mali, Defoer, T., Kamara, A. and De Groote, H., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 5, pages 65-76, 1997.