Tijani-Eniola, H.
2 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
2004 |
Phosphorus fractions in fallow systems of West Africa: effect of residue management, Kolawole, G., Tijani-Eniola, H. and Tian, G., in: Plant and Soil, volume 263, pages 113-120, 2004. | 1995 |
Pioneer woody species in Leucaena leucocephala and senna siamea hedgerows in a forest ecoysystem in southern Nigeria, Akinnifesi, F. K., Mutsaers, H. J. W. and Tijani-Eniola, H., in: Alley farming research and development: proceedings of an international conference on alley farming, 14-18 September 1992. 1995., pages 236-243, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
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