Atiri, G.*    

Institute:University of Ibadan, Nigeria 
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Assessment of yam mild mosaic virus coat protein gene sequence diversity reveals the prevalence of cosmopolitan and African group of isolates in Ghana and Nigeria, Nkere, C., Otoo, E.*, Atiri, G.*, Onyeka, J.*, Silva, G., Bomer, M., Seal, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Current Plant Biology, number 100156, pages 1-6, ISSN 2214-6628, 2020. [DOI]


Mapping of QTLs associated with recovery resistance to streak virus disease in maize, Ladejobi, F., Salaudeen, M. T.*, Kumar, P. L., Menkir, A., Adesoye, A. I.*, Atiri, G.* and Gedil, M., in: Annals of Agricultural Sciences, pages 1-7, ISSN 0570-1783, 2018. [DOI]
Chromogenic detection of yam mosaic virus by closed-tube reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (CT-RT-LAMP), Nkere, C., Oyekanmi, J., Silva, G., Bomer, M., Atiri, G.*, Onyeka, J.*, Maroya, N., Seal, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Archives of Virology, pages 1-10, ISSN 0304-8608, 2018. [DOI]


Disease resistance characterisation of improved cassava genotypes to Cassava Mosaic Disease at different ecozones, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.*, Gachomo, W. and Kotchoni, O., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, pages 1-15, ISSN 0323-5408, 2015. [DOI]
Incidence, distribution and first identification of citrus tristeza virus by RT-PCR in citrus orchards in south-Western Nigeria, Adediji, A. O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1065, pages 759-766, ISSN 0567-7572, 2015.


Expansion of Banana bunchy top virus pandemic into West Africa, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Owati, A., Lokossou, B.*, Adegbola, R. O., Awosusi, O.*, Onyeani, C.*, Pefoura, A.*, Atiri, G.* and Asiedu, E. A.*, Abstract, p. 113, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013.
First report of banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (musa spp.) in Nigeria, Adegbola, R. O., Ayodeji, O., Awosusi, O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 97, number 2, pages 290-292, ISSN 0191-2917, 2013. [DOI]


Identification of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) breeding lines with multiple virus resistance, Ogunsola, K. E., Fatokun, C., Ilori, C. O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
Occurrence and incidence of viruses infecting fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) in Benue State, Nigeria, Time, I., Oben, T., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 29th annual national conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), 24-29, July, Makurdi, Nigeria, 2011.
Studies on maize streak virus infection and yield attributes in F1 maize hybrids, Salaudeen, M., Menkir, A., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 101, no. S6, p. S158-159, 2011.
Effects of time of maize streak virus infection on disease severity and yield in maize inbred lines, Salaudeen, M., Menkir, A., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
Response of soybean(Glycine max (L.) Merill) genotypes to inoculation with cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV), genus Carlavirus, Time, I., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011.
Relative susceptibility of six soybean genotypes against single and multiple viral infections in Nigeria, Imbor, M., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology, 2011.


Resistance to maize Streak virus in testcrosses of early generation lines of maize, Salaudeen, M. T.*, Menkir, A., Atiri, G.*, Hearne, S. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 100, no. 6, suppl. 1, p. S113. June, 2010.
Viruses infecting soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) in Nigeria, Time, I., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology, 2010.


Enhanced symptom severity and pseudorecombination of geminiviruses are important factors in possible breakdown of resistance to cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.*, Koerbler, M. and Winter, S., in: Proceedings of 9th ISTRC-AB symposium, pages 711-718, Mombasa, Kenya, 2007.
Distribution of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Proceedings of the 13th ISTRC-Goverment symposium, pages 373-379, Arusha, Tanzania, 2007.
Occurrence and distribution of viruses infecting fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis, Hook F.) in Imo State, Nigeria, Oben, T., Atiri, G.*, Fagbola, O.*, Akinbade, S., Oyibo, P. and Kumar, P. L., pages 122, 2007.


The use of biolistic inoculation of Cassava Mosaic begomoviruses in screening cassava for resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Journal of Virological Methods, volume 137, number 1, pages 43-50, 2006.


Molecular variability and distribution of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 153, number 4, pages 226-231, 2005.
Whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) infestation on cassava genotypes grown at different ecozones in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 98, number 2, pages 611-617, ISSN 0022-0493, 2005.


Enhanced symptom severity and pseudorecombination of geminiviruses are important factors in possible breakdown of resistance to cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, in: Book of Abstracts of the 9th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch, 31 October-5 November 2004, Mombasa, Kenya, 2004.
Comparison of conventional and molecular-based techniques in cassava mosaic disease resistance screening of new cassava genotypes tested in dry and humid zones of Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Proceedings of a workshop organized by Rockefeller and CIMMYT, 24-28 May 2004, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2004.
Resistance screening to whitefly infestation in a range of cassava genotypes established in multilocational trials of IITA in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, in: Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 8-14 March 2004, Cali, Colombia, CIAT, 2004.
Effectiveness of different artificial virus transmission techniques in screening cassava for resistance to cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.*, Koerbler, M. and Winter, S., in: Book of Abstracts of the 9th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch, 31 October-5 November 2004, Mombasa, Kenya, 2004.
Status of cassava mosaic virus diseases and cassava begomoviruses in sub-Saharan Africa, Atiri, G.*, Ogbe, F., Dixon, A., Winter, S., Ariyo, O. and Thottappilly, G., in: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, volume 24, number 3, pages 5-35, 2004.


Variants of East African cassava mosaic virus and its distribution in double infections with African cassava mosaic virus in Nigeria, Ogbe, F., Thottappilly, G., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Mignouna, H., in: Plant Disease, volume 87, number 3, pages 229-232, ISSN 0191-2917, 2003.
Distribution of cassava begomoviruses in Nigeria : Book of Abstracts, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Atiri, G.*, Winter, S. and Dixon, A., in: Paper presented at: 13th Symposium of the International Society of Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); 10-14 November, International Conference Center, Arusha, Tanzania, 2003.
Evaluation of an inoculation method for screening cassava against genotypes against cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Atiri, G.*, Winter, S. and Dixon, A., in: Paper presented at: American Phytopathological Society Meeting, 2003.
Biolistic inoculation of cassava mosaic begomoviruses to screen for resistance in cassava: Book of program, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Paper presented at: 13th Symposium of the International Society of Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); 10-14 November, International Conference Center, Arusha, Tanzania, 2003.
Cassava mosaic disease and its causal agents: the Nigeria situation, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G. and Dixon, A., in: Plant virology in sub-Saharan Africa proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001, pages 411-422, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003.
Effects of cassava genotype, climate, and the Bemisia tabaci vector population on the development of African cassava mosaic geminivirus (ACMV), Abdullahi, I., Atiri, G.*, Winter, S., Thottappilly, G. and Dixon, A., in: Acta Agronomica Hungarica, volume 51, pages 37-46, ISSN 0238-0161, 2003.
Symtom severity of cassava mosaic disease in relation to concentration of African cassava mosaic virus in different cassava genotypes, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Dixon, A. and Thottappilly, G., in: Plant Pathology, volume 52, pages 84-91, ISSN 0032-0862, 2003.
Cassava leaf harvesting as vegetables: a cause of vulnerability of cassava plants to cassava mosaic disease and eventual yield reduction, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.* and Dixon, A., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, volume 36, number 3-4, pages 221-233, ISSN 0323-5408, 2003. [DOI]
Effect of detopping on disease incidence and symptom severity of African cassava mosaic virus disease (ACMD) on some newly developed cassava cultivars form landraces introgression, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.* and Dixon, A., in: Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, volume 38, pages 115-124, ISSN 0238-1249, 2003.
Symptom severity of cassava mosaic disease in relation to concentration of African cassava mosaic virus in different cassava genotypes, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G. and Dixon, A., in: Plant Pathology, volume 52, pages 84-91, 2003.
Serological and biological variations of African cassava mosaic virus in Nigeria, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Dixon, A. and Thottappilly, G., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 143, number 2, pages 203-213, ISSN 0003-4746, 2003.


The relative resistance of cassava cultivars to African Cassava Mosaic Disease (ACMD) as determined by two methods: rank-sum and the area under the disease progress curve, Ariyo, O. and Atiri, G.*, in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, volume 35, number 1, pages 23-30, 2002.
Restriction of virus movement into axillary buds is an important aspect of resistance in cassava to African cassava mosaic virus, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 150, number 10, pages 546-552, 2002.
A sensitive TAS-ELISA for the detection of some West African isolates of yam mosaic virus (YMV) in Dioscorea species, Njukeng, A. P.*, Atiri, G.*, Hughes, J., Agindotan, B., Mignouna, H. and Thottappilly, G., in: Tropical Science, volume 42, pages 65-74, 2002.


Relative resistance of some newly developed cassava cultivars to African cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, pages 541-545, International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) - Africa Branch; Government of Benin, 2001.
The use of bud grafting to evaluate cassava for resistance to African Cassava Mosaic Disease virus: poster presented at CBN-V, Nov. 4-9, 2001. DDPSC/ILTAB, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Ogbe, F., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., pages S8-14, 2001.
Three new isometric viruses infecting yams in Nigeria, Dongo, L., Hughes, J. and Atiri, G.*, pages 652-661, 2001.
Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD): the Nigerian situation, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., pages 9, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2001.
Evidence of double infection and random occurrence of cassava begomoviruses in sub-Saharan Africa, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G., Dixon, A., Mignouna, H. and Quin, F., pages 524-529, 2001.


First report of East African cassava mosaic begomovirus in Nigeria, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Robinson, D., Winter, S., Dixon, A., Quin, F. and Thottappilly, G., in: Plant Disease, volume 83, number 4, pages 398, ISSN 0191-2917, 1999.


Performance in three agroecologies of virus-tested cassava genotypes derived from meristem culture, Akano, A. O., Ng, S. Y. C., Asiedu, R. and Atiri, G.*, in: Root crops and poverty alleviation: proceedings of the Sixth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops�Africa Branch, 22�28 October 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi, 1998.
Effect of topping cassava plants on the incidence of cassava mosaic geminivirus disease, Njukeng, A. P.*, Atiri, G.*, Akano, A. O., Ng, S. Y. C. and Asiedu, R., in: African Journal of Plant Protection, volume 8, pages 11-18, 1998.


Viruses infecting cultivated yams (Dioscorea alata and D. rotundata) in Nigeria, Hughes, J., Dongo, L. and Atiri, G.*, in: Phytopathology, volume 87, number S-45, 1997.
Effect of African cassava mosaic disease on growth and yield components of virus-tested cassava genotypes derived from meristem culture in early and late planting periods in three agroecologies of Nigeria, Akano, A. O., Atiri, G.*, Ng, S. Y. C. and Asiedu, R., in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 2, pages 44-48, 1997.


Disease development and recovery in resistant and susceptible cassava genotypes infected by African cassava mosaic geminivirus, Njock, T. E., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G. and Thresh, J. M., in: African Plant Protection, volume 2, number 2, pages 97-102, 1996.


Quantification of resistance to African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) in IITA-improved mosaic-resistance cassava breeding materials, Rossel, H. W., Changa, C. M. and Atiri, G.*, in: Root crops for food security in Africa: proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-African Branch, 22-28 November 1992, Kampala, Uganda, pages 280-287, ISTRC-AB; CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1994.
Distribution and disease recovery of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) in stems of resistance and susceptible cassava, Njock, T. E., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G. and Hahn, S. K., in: Root croops for food security in Africa: proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-African Branch, 22-28 November 1992, Kampala, Uganda, pages 149-152, ISTRC-AB; CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1994.


Relationships between co-infection with cowpea aphid-born mosaic and cucumber mosaic viruses and yield of cowpea lines with varying resistance to these viruses, Mih, A. M., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Phytoparasitica, volume 19, pages 65-72, 1991.


Effects of cypermethrin on the feeding behaviour of Aphis craccivora and transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 110, number 3, pages 445-461, 1987.


The importance of colonizing and noncolonizing aphid vectors in the spread of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.*, Enobakhare, D.A. and Thottappilly, G., in: Crop Protection, volume 5, number 6, pages 406-410, ISSN 0261-2194, 1986.


The effect of aphid resistance in cowpea on infestation and development of Aphis craccivora and transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.*, Ekpo, E.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 104, pages 339-346, 1984.
Relative usefulness of mechancial and aphid inoculation as modes of screening cowpeas for resistance against cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad), volume 61, number 4, pages 289-292, 1984.