Assessment of yam mild mosaic virus coat protein gene sequence diversity reveals the prevalence of cosmopolitan and African group of isolates in Ghana and Nigeria, Nkere, C., Otoo, E.*, Atiri, G.*, Onyeka, J.*, Silva, G., Bomer, M., Seal, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Current Plant Biology, number 100156, pages 1-6, ISSN 2214-6628, 2020. [DOI] |
Mapping of QTLs associated with recovery resistance to streak virus disease in maize, Ladejobi, F., Salaudeen, M. T.*, Kumar, P. L., Menkir, A., Adesoye, A. I.*, Atiri, G.* and Gedil, M., in: Annals of Agricultural Sciences, pages 1-7, ISSN 0570-1783, 2018. [DOI] |
Chromogenic detection of yam mosaic virus by closed-tube reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (CT-RT-LAMP), Nkere, C., Oyekanmi, J., Silva, G., Bomer, M., Atiri, G.*, Onyeka, J.*, Maroya, N., Seal, S. and Kumar, P. L., in: Archives of Virology, pages 1-10, ISSN 0304-8608, 2018. [DOI] |
Disease resistance characterisation of improved cassava genotypes to Cassava Mosaic Disease at different ecozones, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.*, Gachomo, W. and Kotchoni, O., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, pages 1-15, ISSN 0323-5408, 2015. [DOI] |
Incidence, distribution and first identification of citrus tristeza virus by RT-PCR in citrus orchards in south-Western Nigeria, Adediji, A. O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1065, pages 759-766, ISSN 0567-7572, 2015. |
Expansion of Banana bunchy top virus pandemic into West Africa, Kumar, P. L., Hanna, R., Owati, A., Lokossou, B.*, Adegbola, R. O., Awosusi, O.*, Onyeani, C.*, Pefoura, A.*, Atiri, G.* and Asiedu, E. A.*, Abstract, p. 113, in the Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, 28 January to 1 February, the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013. |
First report of banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (musa spp.) in Nigeria, Adegbola, R. O., Ayodeji, O., Awosusi, O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., in: Plant Disease, volume 97, number 2, pages 290-292, ISSN 0191-2917, 2013. [DOI] |
Identification of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) breeding lines with multiple virus resistance, Ogunsola, K. E., Fatokun, C., Ilori, C. O.*, Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011. |
Occurrence and incidence of viruses infecting fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) in Benue State, Nigeria, Time, I., Oben, T., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 29th annual national conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), 24-29, July, Makurdi, Nigeria, 2011. |
Studies on maize streak virus infection and yield attributes in F1 maize hybrids, Salaudeen, M., Menkir, A., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 101, no. S6, p. S158-159, 2011. |
Effects of time of maize streak virus infection on disease severity and yield in maize inbred lines, Salaudeen, M., Menkir, A., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011. |
Response of soybean(Glycine max (L.) Merill) genotypes to inoculation with cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV), genus Carlavirus, Time, I., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Book of abstracts of the 36th annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection (NSPP), 4 - 8 September, Futa, Nigeria., 2011. |
Relative susceptibility of six soybean genotypes against single and multiple viral infections in Nigeria, Imbor, M., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology, 2011. |
Resistance to maize Streak virus in testcrosses of early generation lines of maize, Salaudeen, M. T.*, Menkir, A., Atiri, G.*, Hearne, S. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology. Volume 100, no. 6, suppl. 1, p. S113. June, 2010. |
Viruses infecting soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) in Nigeria, Time, I., Atiri, G.* and Kumar, P. L., Abstract in Phytopathology, 2010. |
Enhanced symptom severity and pseudorecombination of geminiviruses are important factors in possible breakdown of resistance to cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.*, Koerbler, M. and Winter, S., in: Proceedings of 9th ISTRC-AB symposium, pages 711-718, Mombasa, Kenya, 2007. |
Distribution of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Proceedings of the 13th ISTRC-Goverment symposium, pages 373-379, Arusha, Tanzania, 2007. |
Occurrence and distribution of viruses infecting fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis, Hook F.) in Imo State, Nigeria, Oben, T., Atiri, G.*, Fagbola, O.*, Akinbade, S., Oyibo, P. and Kumar, P. L., pages 122, 2007. |
The use of biolistic inoculation of Cassava Mosaic begomoviruses in screening cassava for resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Journal of Virological Methods, volume 137, number 1, pages 43-50, 2006. |
Molecular variability and distribution of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 153, number 4, pages 226-231, 2005. |
Whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) infestation on cassava genotypes grown at different ecozones in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 98, number 2, pages 611-617, ISSN 0022-0493, 2005. |
Enhanced symptom severity and pseudorecombination of geminiviruses are important factors in possible breakdown of resistance to cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, in: Book of Abstracts of the 9th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch, 31 October-5 November 2004, Mombasa, Kenya, 2004. |
Comparison of conventional and molecular-based techniques in cassava mosaic disease resistance screening of new cassava genotypes tested in dry and humid zones of Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Proceedings of a workshop organized by Rockefeller and CIMMYT, 24-28 May 2004, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2004. |
Resistance screening to whitefly infestation in a range of cassava genotypes established in multilocational trials of IITA in Nigeria, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, in: Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 8-14 March 2004, Cali, Colombia, CIAT, 2004. |
Effectiveness of different artificial virus transmission techniques in screening cassava for resistance to cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.*, Koerbler, M. and Winter, S., in: Book of Abstracts of the 9th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch, 31 October-5 November 2004, Mombasa, Kenya, 2004. |
Status of cassava mosaic virus diseases and cassava begomoviruses in sub-Saharan Africa, Atiri, G.*, Ogbe, F., Dixon, A., Winter, S., Ariyo, O. and Thottappilly, G., in: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, volume 24, number 3, pages 5-35, 2004. |
Variants of East African cassava mosaic virus and its distribution in double infections with African cassava mosaic virus in Nigeria, Ogbe, F., Thottappilly, G., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Mignouna, H., in: Plant Disease, volume 87, number 3, pages 229-232, ISSN 0191-2917, 2003. |
Distribution of cassava begomoviruses in Nigeria : Book of Abstracts, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Atiri, G.*, Winter, S. and Dixon, A., in: Paper presented at: 13th Symposium of the International Society of Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); 10-14 November, International Conference Center, Arusha, Tanzania, 2003. |
Evaluation of an inoculation method for screening cassava against genotypes against cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Atiri, G.*, Winter, S. and Dixon, A., in: Paper presented at: American Phytopathological Society Meeting, 2003. |
Biolistic inoculation of cassava mosaic begomoviruses to screen for resistance in cassava: Book of program, Ariyo, O., Koerbler, M., Atiri, G.* and Winter, S., in: Paper presented at: 13th Symposium of the International Society of Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); 10-14 November, International Conference Center, Arusha, Tanzania, 2003. |
Cassava mosaic disease and its causal agents: the Nigeria situation, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G. and Dixon, A., in: Plant virology in sub-Saharan Africa proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001, pages 411-422, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003. |
Effects of cassava genotype, climate, and the Bemisia tabaci vector population on the development of African cassava mosaic geminivirus (ACMV), Abdullahi, I., Atiri, G.*, Winter, S., Thottappilly, G. and Dixon, A., in: Acta Agronomica Hungarica, volume 51, pages 37-46, ISSN 0238-0161, 2003. |
Symtom severity of cassava mosaic disease in relation to concentration of African cassava mosaic virus in different cassava genotypes, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Dixon, A. and Thottappilly, G., in: Plant Pathology, volume 52, pages 84-91, ISSN 0032-0862, 2003. |
Cassava leaf harvesting as vegetables: a cause of vulnerability of cassava plants to cassava mosaic disease and eventual yield reduction, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.* and Dixon, A., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, volume 36, number 3-4, pages 221-233, ISSN 0323-5408, 2003. [DOI] |
Effect of detopping on disease incidence and symptom severity of African cassava mosaic virus disease (ACMD) on some newly developed cassava cultivars form landraces introgression, Ariyo, O., Atiri, G.* and Dixon, A., in: Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, volume 38, pages 115-124, ISSN 0238-1249, 2003. |
Symptom severity of cassava mosaic disease in relation to concentration of African cassava mosaic virus in different cassava genotypes, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G. and Dixon, A., in: Plant Pathology, volume 52, pages 84-91, 2003. |
Serological and biological variations of African cassava mosaic virus in Nigeria, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Dixon, A. and Thottappilly, G., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 143, number 2, pages 203-213, ISSN 0003-4746, 2003. |
The relative resistance of cassava cultivars to African Cassava Mosaic Disease (ACMD) as determined by two methods: rank-sum and the area under the disease progress curve, Ariyo, O. and Atiri, G.*, in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, volume 35, number 1, pages 23-30, 2002. |
Restriction of virus movement into axillary buds is an important aspect of resistance in cassava to African cassava mosaic virus, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 150, number 10, pages 546-552, 2002. |
A sensitive TAS-ELISA for the detection of some West African isolates of yam mosaic virus (YMV) in Dioscorea species, Njukeng, A. P.*, Atiri, G.*, Hughes, J., Agindotan, B., Mignouna, H. and Thottappilly, G., in: Tropical Science, volume 42, pages 65-74, 2002. |
Relative resistance of some newly developed cassava cultivars to African cassava mosaic disease, Ariyo, O., Dixon, A. and Atiri, G.*, pages 541-545, International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) - Africa Branch; Government of Benin, 2001. |
The use of bud grafting to evaluate cassava for resistance to African Cassava Mosaic Disease virus: poster presented at CBN-V, Nov. 4-9, 2001. DDPSC/ILTAB, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Ogbe, F., Dixon, A., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., pages S8-14, 2001. |
Three new isometric viruses infecting yams in Nigeria, Dongo, L., Hughes, J. and Atiri, G.*, pages 652-661, 2001. |
Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD): the Nigerian situation, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., pages 9, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2001. |
Evidence of double infection and random occurrence of cassava begomoviruses in sub-Saharan Africa, Ogbe, F., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G., Dixon, A., Mignouna, H. and Quin, F., pages 524-529, 2001. |
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Performance in three agroecologies of virus-tested cassava genotypes derived from meristem culture, Akano, A. O., Ng, S. Y. C., Asiedu, R. and Atiri, G.*, in: Root crops and poverty alleviation: proceedings of the Sixth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops�Africa Branch, 22�28 October 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi, 1998. |
Effect of topping cassava plants on the incidence of cassava mosaic geminivirus disease, Njukeng, A. P.*, Atiri, G.*, Akano, A. O., Ng, S. Y. C. and Asiedu, R., in: African Journal of Plant Protection, volume 8, pages 11-18, 1998. |
Viruses infecting cultivated yams (Dioscorea alata and D. rotundata) in Nigeria, Hughes, J., Dongo, L. and Atiri, G.*, in: Phytopathology, volume 87, number S-45, 1997. |
Effect of African cassava mosaic disease on growth and yield components of virus-tested cassava genotypes derived from meristem culture in early and late planting periods in three agroecologies of Nigeria, Akano, A. O., Atiri, G.*, Ng, S. Y. C. and Asiedu, R., in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 2, pages 44-48, 1997. |
Disease development and recovery in resistant and susceptible cassava genotypes infected by African cassava mosaic geminivirus, Njock, T. E., Atiri, G.*, Thottappilly, G. and Thresh, J. M., in: African Plant Protection, volume 2, number 2, pages 97-102, 1996. |
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Relationships between co-infection with cowpea aphid-born mosaic and cucumber mosaic viruses and yield of cowpea lines with varying resistance to these viruses, Mih, A. M., Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Phytoparasitica, volume 19, pages 65-72, 1991. |
Effects of cypermethrin on the feeding behaviour of Aphis craccivora and transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 110, number 3, pages 445-461, 1987. |
The importance of colonizing and noncolonizing aphid vectors in the spread of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.*, Enobakhare, D.A. and Thottappilly, G., in: Crop Protection, volume 5, number 6, pages 406-410, ISSN 0261-2194, 1986. |
The effect of aphid resistance in cowpea on infestation and development of Aphis craccivora and transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.*, Ekpo, E.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 104, pages 339-346, 1984. |
Relative usefulness of mechancial and aphid inoculation as modes of screening cowpeas for resistance against cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus, Atiri, G.* and Thottappilly, G., in: Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad), volume 61, number 4, pages 289-292, 1984. |