A handbook of west African weeds, Akobundu, I., Ekeleme, F., Agyakwa, C. W. and Ogazie, C. A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2016. |
Seedling emergence model for tropic Ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides), Ekeleme, F.*, Forcella, F., Archer, D., Akobundu, I. and Chikoye, D., in: Weed Science, volume 53, number 1, pages 55-61, ISSN 0043-1745, 2005. |
Impact of natural, planted (Pueraria phaseoloides, Leucaena leucocephala) fallow and landuse intensity on weed seedling emergence pattern and density in cassava intercropped with maize, Ekeleme, F., Chikoye, D. and Akobundu, I., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 103, pages 581-593, 2004. |
Size and composition of weed communities of a degraded alfisol (Oxic Paleustaff) after planted and natural fallows in southwestern Nigeria, Ekeleme, F., Chikoye, D. and Akobundu, I., in: Basic and Applied Ecology, volume 5, pages 23-33, 2004. |
Cover crops reduce weed seedbanks in maize-cassava systems in southwestern Nigeria, Ekeleme, F., Akobundu, I., Isichei, A.* and Chikoye, D., in: Weed Science, volume 51, pages 774-780, 2003. |
Characterization of legume cover crops for weed suppression in the moist savanna of Nigeria, Ekeleme, F.*, Akobundu, I., Fadayomi, R.* and Abayomi, Y.*, in: Weed Technology, volume 17, pages 1-13, ISSN 0890-037X, 2003. [DOI] |
Weed seedbank characteristics of arable fields under different fallow management systems in the humid tropical zone of southeastern Nigeria, Akobundu, I. and Ekeleme, F., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 54, number 2, pages 161-170, ISSN 0167-4366, 2002. [DOI] |
The effects of mulch from selected multipurpose trees on nitrogen nutrition, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays), Kamara, A., Jutzi, S., Akobundu, I. and Sanginga, P., in: Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, volume 184, pages 73-80, 2000. |
Differences in the response of maize (Zea mays[L.] ) to leaf extracts and mulch from selected multipurpose trees (MPTs), Kamara, A., Akobundu, I. and Sanginga, P., in: Differences in the response of maize (Zea mays[L.] ) to leaf extracts and mulch from selected multipurpose trees (MPTs), pages 35, 2000. |
Influence of fallow type and land-use intensity on weed seed rain in a forest/savanna transition zone, Ekeleme, F., Akobundu, I., Isichei, A.* and Chikoye, D., in: Weed Science, volume 48, pages 604-612, ISSN 0043-1745, 2000. |
Selective control of weeds in an arable crop by mulches from some multipurpose trees in southwestern Nigeria, Kamara, A., Akobundu, I. and Jutzi, S., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 50, pages 17-26, 2000. |
Effect of method of Imperata cylindrica management on maize grain yield in the derived savanna of south-western Nigeria, Akobundu, I. and Ekeleme, F., in: Weed Research, volume 40, pages 335-341, 2000. |
Long-term effects of Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit fallow on weed growth and composition in cassava intercropped with maize, Akobundu, I. and Ekeleme, F., in: La jachère en Afrique Tropicale: proceedings of the International Seminar, Dakar, April 1999, pages 603-610, John Libbey Eurotext, 2000. |
Mucuna spp. suppresses speargrass (Imperata cylindrica) and increases maize yield, Akobundu, I., Udensi, U. and Chikoye, D., in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 46, pages 103-108, 2000. |
Management of cogongrass Imperata cylindrica with velvetbean Mucuna pruriens var. utilis and herbicides, Udensi, U., Akobundu, I., Ayeni, S. and Chikoye, D., in: Weed Technology, volume 13, pages 201-208, 1999. |
Weed seed bank size and composition in an arable crop mulched with pruning from three multipurpose trees in south-western Nigeria, Kamara, A., Akobundu, I., Chikoye, D. and Jutzi, S., in: Journal of Applied Botany (Angewandte Botanik), volume 73, pages 25-30, ISSN 0066-1759, 1999. |
Influence of fallow management systems and frequency of cropping on weed growth and crop yield, Akobundu, I., Ekeleme, F. and Chikoye, D., in: Weed Research, volume 39, number 3, pages 241-256, ISSN 0041-3291, 1999. |
The effect of mulch from three multipurpose trees on weed composition and biomass in maize, Kamara, A., Jutzi, S., Akobundu, I. and Chikoye, D., British Crop Protection Council, 1997. |
Weed composition and population dynamics in intensified smallholder farms in West Africa, Chikoye, D., Ekeleme, F. and Akobundu, I., in: The 1997 Brighton Crop Protection Conference -Weeds, 17-20 Nov, pages 161-166, British Crop Protection Council, Famham, Surrey, UK, 1997. |
Amelioration of a degraded Oxic Paleustalf by leguminous and natural fallows, Kang, B., Salako, F. K., Akobundu, I., Pleysier, J. L. and Chianu, J., in: Soil Use and Management, volume 13, pages 130-136, 1997. |
Evaluation of symbiotic properties and nitrogen contribution of mucuna to maize grown in the derived savanna of West Africa, Sanginga, N., Ibewiro, B., Houngnandan, P.*, Vanlauwe, B., Okogun, J., Akobundu, I. and Versteeg, M., in: Plant and Soil, volume 179, pages 119-129, 1996. |
Phosphorus requirement and nodulation of herbaceous and shrub legumes in low P soils of a Guinean Savanna in Nigeria, Sanginga, N., Okogun, J., Akobundu, I. and Kang, B., in: Applied Soil Ecology, volume 3, number 3, pages 247-255, ISSN 0929-1393, 1996. |
Herbicides and mechanical control of Imperata cylindrica as a first step in grassland rehabilitation, Terry, P. J., Adjers, G., Akobundu, I., Anoka, U.A., Drilling, M. E., Tjitrosemito, S. and Utomo, M., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 36, number 1-3, pages 151-179, ISSN 0167-4366, 1996. |
Effect of alley farming on weed infestation and floral composition, Akobundu, I., Ekeleme, F. and Agyakwa, C. W., in: Alley farming research and development: proceedings of an international conference on alley farming, 14-18 September 1992, pages 137-152, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
Response of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) to various periods of weed interference in an intercropping with maize (Zea mays L.), okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench), and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam), Orkwor, G. C., Okereke, O. U., Ezedinma, C., Hahn, S. K., Ezumah, H. C. and Akobundu, I., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 380, pages 349-354, ISSN 0567-7572, 1994. |
Integrated weed management techniques to reduce soil degradation, Akobundu, I., in: First International Weed Control Congress Vol.1 held at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 17-21 February 1992, Melbourne, Australia, pages 278-288, Weed Science Society of Victoria Inc., 1992. |
Effects of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Steud and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit on growth and develoment of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Reuschel, Anoka, U.A., Akobundu, I. and Okonkwo, C., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 16, number 1, pages 1-12, 1991. |
Integrated weed management for striga control in cropping systems in Africa, Akobundu, I., pages 122-125, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
Weeds in human affairs in sub-Saharan Africa: implications for sustainable food production, Akobundu, I., in: Weed Technology, volume 5, pages 680-690, 1991. |
Agronomic and economic benefits of nitrogen contributed by legumes in live-mulch and alley cropping systems, Mulongoy, K. and Akobundu, I., in: Nitrogen fixation, achievements and objectives: proceedings of the 8th International Congress on nitrogen fixation, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A. May 20-26, 1990, pages 625-632, Chapman and Hall, 1990. |
The role of weed control in integrated pest management for tropical root and tuber crops, Akobundu, I., pages 23-29, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1990. |
Effects of tropical weeds on yield in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir), Unamma, R. P. A. and Akobundu, I., in: Weed Research, volume 29, number 1, pages 1-6, ISSN 0043-1737, 1989. |
Weed Control in soybeans in the tropics, Akobundu, I. and Poku, J., pages 67-77, John Wiley & Sons, 1987. |
Persistence and downward movement of some selected herbicides in the humid and sub-humid tropics, Utulu, S.N., Akobundu, I. and Fayemi, A.A.A., in: Crop Protection, volume 5, pages 129-136, ISSN 0261-2194, 1986. |
Persistence and downward movement of some selected herbicides an the humid and sub-humid tropics, Utulu, S.N., Akobundu, I. and Fayemi, A.A.A., in: Crop Protection, volume 5, pages 129-136, 1986. |
Weed and their control, Akobundu, I., pages 160-179, 1986. |
Importance of paper legislation and recommendation for pesticides in developing countries, Akobundu, I., in: Champs Du Monde, number 4, pages 51-53, 1986. |
Weed management, Akobundu, I., pages -175, chapter 182, 1986. |
Nitrogen uptake of maize in live mulch systems, Mulongoy, K. and Akobundu, I., in: Nitrogen management in Farming System in humid and subhumid Tropics, pages 285-290, 1985. |
Effect of interrow spacing and weeding frequency on the performance of selected rice cultivals on hydromorphic soils of West Africa, Akobundu, I. and Ahissou, A., in: Crop Protection, volume 4, pages 71-76, 1985. |
Weed interference in maize, cowpea, maize/cowpea intercrop in a subhumid tropical environment. I. Influence of cropping season, Ayeni, A. O., Duke, W. B. and Akobundu, I., in: Weed Research, volume 24, pages 269-279, ISSN 0043-1737, 1984. |
Weed interference in maize, cowpea, maize/cowpea intercrop in a subhumid tropical environment. III. Influence of land preparation, Ayeni, A. O., Duke, W. B. and Akobundu, I., in: Weed Research, volume 24, pages 439-448, 1984. |
Chemical weed control in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in the subhumid and Guinea savanna zones of Nigeria, Poku, J. and Akobundu, I., in: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference of the West Weed Science Society, edited by M. Deat and P. Marnotte, pages 218-225, 1984. |
Effect of tillage and herbicide on cowpea weed control and yield in the subhumid tropics (abstract), Poku, J. and Akobundu, I., Champaign: WSSA, 1984. |
Nitrogen uptake in live mulch systems, Mulongoy, K. and Akobundu, I., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1984. |
Weed interference in hydromorphic rice, Ahissou, A. and Akobundu, I., in: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference of the West African Weed Science Society, edited by M. Deat and P. Marnotte, pages 34-39, WAWSS, 1984. |
Weed interference in maize, cowpea, maize/cowpea intercrop in a subhumid tropical environment. II. Early growth and nutrient content of Crops and weeds, Ayeni, A. O., Akobundu, I. and Duke, W. B., in: Weed Research, volume 24, pages 281-290, ISSN 0043-1737, 1984. |
Weed control in cowpea, Poku, J. and Akobundu, I., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1984. |
Herbicide screening for preplant vegetation control in no-tillage crop production in southern Nigeria, Gowman, M. A. and Akobundu, I., in: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference of the West African Weed Science Society, edited by M. Deat and P. Marnotte, pages 42-49, 1984. |
Advances in live mulch crop production in the tropics, Akobundu, I., 1984. |
Response of cowpea cultivars to pre-emergence herbicides, Akobundu, I., in: Nigeria Journal of Plant Protection, 1984. |
Advancing weed control strategies for developing countries, Akobundu, I., pages 193-199, Slough. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, 1984. |
Weed science technology in relation to food production in West Africa, Akobundu, I., 1984. |
Preliminary evaluation of ground cover for use as live mulch in maize production, Akobundu, I. and Okigbo, B., in: Field Crops Research, volume 8, pages 177-186, 1984. |
No-tillage weed control in the tropics, Akobundu, I., pages 32-44, IPPC, 1983. |
Weed control in no-tillage cassava in the subhumid and humid tropics, Akobundu, I., pages 119-126, IPPC, 1983. |
Role of planted fallow in developing stable cropping system, Hartmans, E. H., Kang, B. T., Wilson, G. F. and Akobundu, I., in: Paper presented Latino-american Association of Agricultural Science meeting, 24-26 June 1982, Chanpingo, Mexico, 1982. |
An evaluation of a rope wick wiper for post-emagence weed control in no-tillage maize and cowpea, Gowman, M. A. and Akobundu, I., in: Paper presented at Annual Conference of Weed Society of Nigeria, 29 November 3 December 1982, 1982. |
Intergrated management in cropping systems in Nigeria, Akobundu, I., in: Paper presented at Training Workshop on Farming Systems Research, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, 30 July- 4 August1982, Benin City, Nigeria, 1982. |
The status and effectiveness of no-tillage cropping at smallholder farmer level in the developing countries, Akobundu, I., in: Paper presented at FAO/IWSS Expert Consultation on Weed Management Strategies for the 1980s in the LDCs,, 1982. |
An evaluation of Ronster Herbicide for weeds control in upland rice, Akobundu, I., in: Paper presented at 11th Annual Conference of the Weed Science Society of Nigeria, 29 November -3 December, Umudike, Nigeria, 1982. |
Live Mulch Crop Production in the Tropics, Akobundu, I., in: World Crops, volume 34, number 4, pages 125-126-144-145, 1982. |
Weeds and Their Control in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in the Humid Tropics, Akobundu, I., in: Weed science, volume 30, pages 331-334, 1982. |
Weeds and Their Control in West Africa Rice Ecosystems, Akobundu, I., in: Intergrated Pest Management in West Africa, pages 148-162, 1982. |
Weed interference and control in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir), Akobundu, I., in: Weed Research, volume 21, pages 267-272, ISSN 0043-1737, 1981. [DOI] |
Weed control in direct-seeded lowland rice under poor water control conditions, Akobundu, I., in: Weed Research, volume 21, pages 273-278, ISSN 0043-1737, 1981. [DOI] |
Weed Control in maize-cassava intercrop, Akobundu, I., Tropical Roots, IDRC - 163e, 1981. |
Weed Control in cassava, maize and rice under mono- and intercropping systems, Akobundu, I., pages 217-227, 1981. |
An assessment of weed interference in white yam (Dioscrorea rotundata Poir), Akobundu, I. and Unamma, R. P. A., 1981. |
Research at the IITA and avenues for IITA's participation in cooperative research and training with national programs: paper presented at National Conference in Agriculture, Port Harcourt, 4-8 May 1981, Akobundu, I., 1981. |
No-tillage weed control in the tropics., Akobundu, I., in: Symposium on No-tillage Crop Production in the Tropics Monrovia, Liberia 3 - 7 August, 1981. |
Weed control in conventional and no-tillage cassava in the humid and subhumid tropics, Akobundu, I., in: Symposium on No-tillage Crop Production in the Tropics, Monrovia, Liberia, 3-7 August, 1981. |
Studies on potential uses of crop residues and some industrial by-products in soil management in the humid tropics, Okigbo, B., Caveness, F. E., Kang, B. T., Lal, R. and Akobundu, I., 1980. |
Live mulch: a new approach to weed control and crop production in the tropics, Akobundu, I., in: Proceedings of the 1980 British Crop Protection Conference - weeds (15th British Weed Control Conference), 17th to 20th November, 1980, pages 377-382, British Crop Protection Council, 1980. |
Strategies for weed control for large scale cassava production, Akobundu, I., 1980. |
Weed control in maize/cassava intercrop, Akobundu, I., 1980. |
Economics of weed control in African tropics and subtropics, Akobundu, I., 1980. |
Preliminary evaluation of ground covers for use as live mulch in low input maize production, Akobundu, I. and Okigbo, B., 1980. |
An assessment of weed interference in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir), Akobundu, I. and Unamma, R. P. A., 1980. |
Weed science research at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture and research weeds in Africa, Akobundu, I., in: Weed Science, volume 28, number 4, pages 439-445, ISSN 0043-1745, 1980. |
Weed problems and control practices in field and vegetable crops in Nigeria, Akobundu, I. and Olunuga, B. A., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1980. |
An evaluation of a CDA herbicide sprayer in a tropical environment, Akobundu, I. and Utulu, S.N., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1980. |
Weed control in cassava cultivation in the subhumid tropics, Akobundu, I., in: Tropical Pest Management, volume 24, number 4, pages 420-426, ISSN 0143-6147, 1980. |
Weed control strategies for multiple cropping systems of the humid and subhumid tropics, Akobundu, I., in: Weeds and their control in the humid and subhumid tropics: proceedings of a conference at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 3-7 July 1978, pages 80-100, 1980. |
Weed control strategies for multiple cropping systems of the humid and subhumid tropics, Akobundu, I., 1980. |
Cassava improvement in Africa, Hahn, S. K., Terry, E. R., Leuschner, K., Akobundu, I., Okali, C. and Lal, R., in: Field Crops Research, volume 2, number 3, pages 193-226, ISSN 0378-4290, 1979. |
Control of pennisetum purpurium schum in no-tillage maize (Zea mays L.), Michieka, R. W. and Akobundu, I., 1979. |
Weed control in intercropping systems, Akobundu, I., 1979. |
Weed control in Nigeria, Akobundu, I., in: PANS, volume 25, number 3, pages 287-298, 1979. |
Chemical weed control in cowpea and soybean in southern Nigerian, Akobundu, I., 1979. |
Weed competition and herbicide selectivity in cowpea, Akobundu, I., 1979. |
An Evaluation of CDA Herbicide Sprayer in a Tropical Environment, Utulu, S.N. and Akobundu, I., IITA, 1978. |
An Evaluation of CDA Herbicide Sprayer in a Tropical Environment, Utulu, S.N. and Akobundu, I., IITA, 1978. |
Weed Problems and Control Practices in Field and Vegetable Crops in Nigeria, Olunuga, B. A. and Akobundu, I., 1978. |
Weed Problems of African Ricelands, Akobundu, I. and Fagade, S. O., in: Rice in Africa, pages 181-192, Academic Press, London and New York, 1978. |
Weed control direct-seeded lowland rice under poor water management conditions, Akobundu, I., in: Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting of the Ghana Weed Science Committee at Cape Coast, Ghana, January 27, 1978, pages 61-65, 1978. |
Weed Control and Food Production in the Humid Tropics, Akobundu, I., in: Presented at the AAASA 3rd General Conference, University of Ibadan, Nigeria April 9-15, 1978, 1978. |
Chemical Weed Control in Cowpea and Soybean in Southern Nigeria, Akobundu, I., in: Presented at the 3rd COLUMA Symposium on Weed Control in Tropical Crops, Dakar, Senegal, Sepember 18 - 21, 1978, 1978. |
New concepts in weed control: paper presented at the Training Course in Fertilizer Use in the Tropics, IITA, Ibadan, Nov 20-Dec 8, 1978, Akobundu, I., 1978. |
Weed Control in Multiple Cropping Systems, Akobundu, I., in: Presented at the training course on How to Use and Apply Herbicides, NCRI, Ibadan, Nigeria. December 4 - 8, 1978, 1978. |
Primextra: a new pre-emergence herbicide for weed control in tropical crops, Akobundu, I., 1976. |