Data-driven Advisories: AgWise for maize in Kenya, Chernet, M., Pypers, P., Tilaye, A., Tibebe, D.*, Bendito, E., Mkuhlani, S., Srivastava, A., Ghosh, P., Chimonyo, V., Gonzalez, A., Leroux, L., Llanos, L., Mugo, J., Sila, A., Perez, C., Persson, K., Ramirez, J., Ghosh, A., Silva, J. V., Hijmans, R., Urfels, A., Kheir, A., Abera, W., Barasa, S., Mudereri, B. T., Bonilla, C., Mesfin, T., Agudelo, D., Patil, M. and Devare, M., 2023. |
Data-driven Advisories: AgWise for potato in Rwanda, Chernet, M., Pypers, P., Tilaye, A., Tibebe, D.*, Bendito, E., Mkuhlani, S., Srivastava, A., Ghosh, P., Chimonyo, V., Gonzalez, A., Leroux, L., Llanos, L., Mugo, J., Sila, A., Perez, C., Persson, K., Moreno, P., Ramirez, J., Ghosh, A., Silva, J. V., Hijmans, R., Urfels, A., Kheir, A., Abera, W., Barasa, S., Mudereri, B. T., Bonilla, C., Mesfin, T., Agudelo, D., Patil, M. and Devare, M., 2023. |
EiA AgWise: A Data Science Solution for Site-Specific Agronomic Recommendations, Chernet, M., Pypers, P., Tilaye, A., Tibebe, D.*, Bendito, E., Mkuhlani, S., Srivastava, A., Ghosh, P., Chimonyo, V., Gonzalez, A., Leroux, L., Llanos, L., Mugo, J., Sila, A., Perez, C., Persson, K., Moreno, P., Ramirez, J., Ghosh, A., Silva, J. V., Hijmans, R., Urfels, A., Kheir, A., Abera, W., Barasa, S., Mudereri, B. T., Bonilla, C., Mesfin, T., Agudelo, D., Patil, M. and Devare, M., 2023. |
Response of maize (Zea mays) to the application of foliar fertilizers in the Sudan and Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria, Jemo, M., Nwoke, C.*, Pypers, P. and Vanlauwe, B., in: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, pages 1-10, ISSN 1436-8730, 2015. [DOI] |
Effect of delayed cassava planting on yields and economic returns of a cassava-groundnut intercrop in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nyi, T., Mucheru-Muna, M.*, Shisanya, C.*, Lodi-lama, J-P., Mutuo, P., Pypers, P. and Vanlauwe, B., in: World Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 2, number 3, pages 101-108, ISSN 2333-0643, 2014. [DOI] |
Do commercial biological and chemical products increase crop yields and economic returns under smallholder farmer conditions?, Jefwa, J.*, Pypers, P., Jemo, M., Thuita, M., Mutegi, E., Laditi, M. A, Faye, A.*, Kavoo, A. M.*, Munyahali, W., Herrmann, L., Atieno, M., Okalebo, J. R., Yusuf, A. A.*, Ibrahim, A.*, Ndung'u-Magiroi, K. W.*, Asrat, A.*, Muletta, D.*, Ncho, C.*, Kamaa, M. and Lesueur, D., pages 81-96, chapter 7, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-07662-1, 2014. [DOI] |
Residual phosphorus effects and nitrogen x phosphorus interactions in soybean-maize rotations on a P-deficient Ferralsol, Vandamme, E., Pypers, P., Vanlauwe, B., Baijukya, F., Smolders, E. and Merckx, R ., in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 98, number 2, pages 187-201, ISSN 1385-1314, 2014. [DOI] |
Agricultural technology diffusion and adoption in banana- and legume-based systems of central Africa, Ouma, E., Macharia, I.*, Birachi, E., Garming, H., Nyagaya, M., Pypers, P., Ochieng, J., Blomme, G., Van Asten, P. and Vanlauwe, B., pages 187-199, chapter 14, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-53273-0, 2013. |
CIALCA's efforts on integrating farming system components and exploring related trade-offs, Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ouma, E., Pypers, P., Van Damme, J., Blomme, G., Lepoint, P., Ntamwira, J.*, Bouwmeester, H., Birachi, E., Jassogne, L., Muliele, T., Bizimana, S.*, Nibasumba, A., Delstanche, S., Baret, P., Sanginga, J. M., Bafunyembaka, F. and Manzekele, M.*, pages 117-131, chapter 9, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-53273-0, 2013. |
Root hairs explain P uptake efficiency of soybean genotypes grown in a P-deficient Ferralsol, Vandamme, E., Renkens, M., Pypers, P., Smolders, E., Vanlauwe, B. and Merckx, R ., in: Plant and Soil, volume 369, number 1-2, pages 269-282, ISSN 0032-079X, 2013. [DOI] |
Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Central Africa: experiences of the Consortium for Improving Agriculturebased Livelihoods in Central Africa (CIALCA), Vanlauwe, B., Pypers, P., Birachi, E., Nyagaya, M., Van Schagen, B., Huising, J., Ouma, E., Blomme, G. and Van Asten, P., In: Eco-Efficiency: from Vision to Reality, pages 1-17, chapter 6, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), 2013. |
Effect of banana leaf pruning on legume yield in banana-legume intercropping systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Ntamwira, J.*, Pypers, P., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ruhigwa, B. A., Lepoint, P. and Blomme, G., pages 158-165, chapter 20, ISBN 978-1-78064-231-4, 2013. |
CIALCA interventions for productivity increase of cropping system components in the African Great Lakes zone, Pypers, P., Bimponda, W.*, Birachi, E., Bishikwabo, K., Blomme, G., Carpentier, S. C., Gahigi, A.*, Gaidashova, S.*, Jefwa, J., Kantengwa, S., Kanyaruguru, J., Lepoint, P., Lodi-Lama, J., Manzekele, M.*, Mapatano, S.*, Merckx, R ., Ndabamenye, T.*, Ngoga, T.*, Nitumfuidi, J.*, Niyuhire, C.*, Ntamwira, J.*, Ouma, E., Sanginga, J. M., Sivirihauma, C., Swennen, R., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Vigheri, N. and Walangululu, J.*, pages 55-69, chapter 4, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-53273-0, 2013. |
Effect of banana leaf pruning on banana and bean yield in an intercropping system in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Ntamwira, J.*, Pypers, P., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Vigheri, N.*, Badesire, A.* and Blomme, G., in: The African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, pages 1-4, ISSN 1752-3931, 2012. |
The impact of Desmodium spp. and cutting regimes on the agronomic and economic performance of Desmodium-maize intercropping system in western Kenya, Kifuko-Koech, M.*, Pypers, P., Okalebo, J. R., Othieno, C.O.*, Khan, Z. R., Pickett, J. A., Kipkoech, A. K.* and Vanlauwe, B., in: Field Crops Research, volume 137, pages 97-107, ISSN 0378-4290, 2012. [DOI] |
Socio-ecological niches for minimum tillage and crop-residue retention in continuous maize cropping systems in smallholder farms of Central Kenya, Guto, S. N., Pypers, P., Vanlauwe, B., de Ridder, N. and Giller, K., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 103, number 3, pages 1-11, ISSN 0002-1962, 2012. |
Combining mineral fertilizer and green manure for increased, profitable cassava production, Pypers, P., Bimponda, W.*, Lodi-Lama, J., Lele, B.*, Mulumba, R.*, Kachaka, C.*, Boeckx, P., Merckx, R . and Vanlauwe, B., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 104, number 1, pages 178-187, ISSN 0002-1962, 2012. |
Drivers of technology adoption in the banana-legume systems in the East and Central Africa region, Ouma, E., Birachi, E., Kasereka, V., Garming, H., Macharia, I.*, Van Asten, P., Chifizi, A.*, Nyagaya, M., Ekesa, B., Van Damme, J., Vanlauwe, B., Blomme, G., Niyuhire, C.*, Ndimurirwo, L.*, Ochieng, J., Dubois, T., Pypers, P., Wairegi, L., Ruraduma, C.*, Bizoza, A.* and Maertens, M., Abstract (Oral Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Effect of banana leaf pruning on banana growth and legume yield in banana-legume intercropping systems in Burundi, Emera, W., Lepoint, P., Blomme, G., Van Asten, P. and Pypers, P., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
CIALCA's efforts on integrating farming system components and exploring related trade-offs, Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ouma, E., Pypers, P., Van Damme, J., Blomme, G., Lepoint, P., Ntamwira, J.*, Bouwmeester, H., Birachi, E., Jassogne, L., Muliele, T., Bizimana, S.*, Nibasumba, A., Delstanche, S., Baret, P., Sanginga, J. M., Bafunyembaka, F. and Manzekele, M.*, Abstract (Oral Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
CIALCA livelihood baseline survey report: technical report, No. 17, Ouma, E., Birachi, E., Pypers, P., Vanlauwe, B.+, Ekesa, B., Blomme, G., Chianu, J., Bouwmeester, H. and Van Asten, P., number 17, 2011. |
Effect of banana leaf pruning on banana and bean yield in an intercropping system in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Ntamwira, J.*, Pypers, P., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Vigheri, N., Badesire, A.* and Blomme, G., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Effect of banana leaf pruning on legume yield in banana-legume intercropping systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Ntamwira, J.*, Pypers, P., Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Ruhigwa, B. A., Lepoint, P. and Blomme, G., Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
CIALCA interventions for productivity increase of cropping system components in the African Great Lakes zone, Pypers, P., Bimponda, W.*, Birachi, E., Bishikwabo, K., Blomme, G., Carpentier, S. C., Gahigi, A.*, Gaidashova, S.*, Jefwa, J.*, Kantengwa, S., Kanyaruguru, J., Lepoint, P., Lodi-Lama, J., Manzekele, M.*, Mapatano, S.*, Merckx, R ., Ndabamenye, T.*, Ngoga, T.*, Nitumfuidi, J.*, Niyuhire, C.*, Ntamwira, J.*, Ouma, E., Sanginga, J. M., Sivirihauma, C., Swennen, R.+, Van Asten, P., Vanlauwe, B., Vigheri, N. and Walangululu, J.*, Abstract (Oral Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. |
Integrated soil fertility management: operational definition and consequences for implementation and dissemination. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world., Vanlauwe, B., Chianu, J., Giller, K., Merckx, R ., Mokwunye, U.*, Pypers, P., Shepherd, K ., Smaling, E., Woomer, P. L. and Sanginga, N., CRC Care, International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), 2010. |
Does the enhanced P acquisition by maize following legumes in a rotation result from improved soil P availability?, Pypers, P., Huybrighs, M., Diels, J ., Abaidoo, R., Smolders, E. and Merckx, R ., in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, volume 39, number 10, pages 2555-2566, 2007. |
Plant-available P for maize and cowpea in P-deficient soils from the Nigerian northern Guinea Savanna: comparison of E- and L-values, Pypers, P., Van Loon, L., Diels, J ., Abaidoo, R., Smolders, E. and Merckx, R ., in: Plant and Soil, volume 283, number 1-2, pages 251-264, 2006. |