Effectiveness of the Yangambi biosphere reserve in reducing deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kipute, D. D.*, Mate, J. P.*, Kankeu, R. S., Ngouhouo-Poufoun, J., Kahindo, J. M.*, Mampeta, S.*, Lelo, U.*, Sonwa, D., Joiris, D. V. and Demaze, M. T., in: Human Ecology, pages 1-13, ISSN 0300-7839, 2023. [DOI] |
Structure of cocoa farming systems in west and central Africa: a review, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Schroth, G.*, Janssens, M. and Shapiro, H., in: Agroforesty Systems, volume 93, pages 2009-2019, ISSN 0167-4366, 2019. [DOI] |
Forest governance and REDD+ in central Africa: towards a participatory model to increase stakeholder involvement in carbon markets, Djomo, A. N., Grant, J. A., Lucha, C. F.*, Gagoe, J. T.*, Fonton, N. H.*, Scott, N. and Sonwa, D., in: International Journal of Environmental Studies, volume 75, number 2, pages 251-266, ISSN 0020-7233, 2017. [DOI] |
Investigations of the livelihood strategies of young men and women in forested landscapes of eastern Cameroon, Macneil, C., Brown, H. C. and Sonwa, D., in: International Forestry Review, volume 19, number 4, pages 437-448, ISSN 1465-5489, 2017. [DOI] |
Diversity within village institutions and its implication for resilience in the context of climate change in Cameroon, Brown, H. C. and Sonwa, D., in: Climate and Development, pages 1-10, ISSN 1756-5529, 2017. [DOI] |
Structure and composition of cocoa agroforests in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Janssens, M., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 91, number 3, pages 451-470, ISSN 0167-4366, 2017. [DOI] |
Innovation in agriculture reduces pressure on forests = L'innovation dans le secteur agricole reduit la pression sur les forets, Sonwa, D. and Hanna, R., pages 173-177, chapter 17, Center for Tropical Research/UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, ISBN Califonia, 2017. |
Valuation of forest carbon stocks to estimate the potential for result-based payment under REDD+ in Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Nlom, J. H.* and Neba, G., in: International Forestry Review, volume 18, number S1, pages 119-129, ISSN 1465-5489, 2016. [DOI] |
Which Intensification for a REDD+ strategy?: Comparative study in cocoa agroforests of Cameroon, Ewane-Nonga, N., Hanna, R., Sonwa, D., Belibi, M. B., Van Eijnatten, J., Tah, C. K., Kirscht, H. and Yemefack, M., Abstract at International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Researchers III - 2015 Forestry research for achieving self sufficient in food, energy and water, Bogor, Indonesia 21-22 October, 2015. |
Good agricultural practices for sustainable cocoa production; a guide for farmer training: conservation and biodiversity in and around cocoa farms, Asare, R., David, S. and Sonwa, D., Sustainable Tree Crops Program (STCP), 2011. |
Cocoa intensification scenarios and their predicted impact on CO2 emissions, biodiversity conservation, and rural livelihoods in the Guinea rain forest of West Africa, Gockowski, J. and Sonwa, D., in: Environmental Management, volume 48, number 2, pages 307-321, ISSN 0364-152X, 2011. [DOI] |
Cocoa intensification scenarios and their predicted impact on CO2 emissions, biodiversity conservation, and rural livelihoods in the Guinean rainforest of West Africa, Gockowski, J. and Sonwa, D., in: Outcome and impact assessment at IITA: Issues and evidence. Proceedings of a mini-symposium on outcome and impact assessment at IITA., pages 5-7, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), IITA, 2011. |
Conservation and biodiversity in and around cocoa farms: learning about sustainable cocoa production, a guide for participatory farmer training, Asare, R., David, S. and Sonwa, D., Forest and Landscape Working Paper 12, Forest and Landscape, ISBN 978-87-7903-420-4, 2009. |
Wildlife diversity in cocoa/agricultural mosaics at the Congo Basin forest margin, Weinbaum, K., Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Brashares, J. and Getz, W., number 3, 2009. |
Biodiversity and smallholder cocoa production systems in West Africa, Gockowski, J. and Sonwa, D., number 6, 2008. |
Diversifying and intensifying the Cocoa Agroforest Landscape: review and strategic approaches for managing the shade matrix in West and Central Africa, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Janssens, M., Schroth, G. and Shapiro, H., number 4, 2008. |
Chocolate Forest and the Peri-Urban Landscape: tree diversity of the cocoa agroforests around Yaounde (southern Cameroon), Sonwa, D., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Weise, S., Tchatat, M. and Janssens, M., number 5, 2008. |
Management of cocoa: constraints during acquisition and application of pesticides in the humid forest zones of Southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Coulibaly, O., Weise, S., Adesina, A. and Janssens, M., in: Crop Protection, volume 27, number 8, pages 1159-1164, ISSN 0261-2194, 2008. [DOI] |
Opportunities for avoided deforestation with sustainable benefits: an interim report of the ASB partnership for the Tropical Forest Magins, Swallow, B., Van Noordwijk, M., Dewi, S., Murdiyarso, D., White, D., Gockowski, J., Hyman, G., Budidarsono, S., Robiglio, V., Meadu, V., Ekadinata, A., Agus, F., Hairiah, K., Mbile, P., Sonwa, D. and Weise, S., 2007. |
Diversity of plants in cocoa agroforests in the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Weise, S., Tchatat, M., Adesina, A. and Janssens, M., in: Biodiversity and Conservation, volume 16, number 8, pages 2385-2400, 2007. [DOI] |
Structure of cocoa agroforest of Southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Janssens, M., Poster: in Second International Symposium on Multi-Strata Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops: Making ecosystem services count for farmers, consumers and the environment, 17 – 21 September 2007 CATIE, 2007. |
Adaptations of cocoa and coffee farmers' communities in the heart of remnant pristine forest of east Cameroon to institutional changes, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Adesina, A., Tchatat, M., Ndoye, O. and Endamana, D., in: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of IUFRO Working Party 8.01.03, Sept. 26-29, 2006, Locorotondo, Bari, Italy, pages 339-347, Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali, 2006. |
The impact of a fluctuating agenda at the international level on cocoa farms in the humid forest zone of West and Central Africa: current issues, research and development implications, Sonwa, D. and Weise, S., in: 6th open meeting of the IHDP (International Human dimension program of Global Environmental Change Research community), University of Bonn, Germany 9-13 October, University of Bonn, Germany, 2005. |
The need to promote biodiversity conservation by cocoa agroforests in West and Central Africa, Sonwa, D., Weise, S. and Janssens, M., in: Poster presented during the International conference on "Biodiversity: science and governance" organized by the French government at the UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 24-28 January 2005, 2005. |
Phytogenetic preferences of farmers' communities during a crisis context in the cocoa agroforest area of the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Adesina, A., Tchatat, M., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Ndoye, O. and Endamana, D., in: XXII IUFRO World Congress, 8-13 August, Brisbane, Australia, pages 44, 2005. |
Production constraints on cocoa agroforestry systems in West and central Africa: the need for integrated pest management and multi-institutional approaches, Sonwa, D., Ngobo, M., Weise, S., Adesina, A., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Ndoye, O., in: XXII IUFRO World Congress, August 8-13, Brisbane, Australia, pages 349, 2005. |
Potential contributions of biotechnologies in the management and conservation of forest resources of the Congo basin, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Nwaga, D.*, Zapfack, L.*, Nzooh, L. and Janssens, M., in: International Forestry Review, volume 7, pages 59-62, 2005. |
Production constraints on cocoa agroforestry systems in West and Central Africa: the need for integrated pest management and multi-institutional approaches, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Adesina, A., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M. and Ndoye, O., in: Forestry Chronicle, volume 81, pages 345-349, 2005. |
Conservation because it pays: shaded cocoa agroforests in west Africa, Gockowski, J., Weise, S., Sonwa, D., Tchatat, M. and Ngobo, M., in: Theobroma cacao: Ancient Crop, Medicinal Plant, Surprising Future Symposium held on February 10, 2004 at the National Academies of Science, Washington, DC, 2004. |
Integrated pest Management in cocoa agroforest in Southern Cameroon: constraints and overview, Sonwa, D., Coulibaly, O., Adesina, A., Weise, S. and Tchatat, M., in: Integrated Pest Management Reviews, volume 7, number 3, pages 191-199, 2004. |
Management of complex cocoa based agroforestry system of the Humid Forest Zone of Southern Cameroon: typology and conservation of forest resources, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Gockowski, J., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Tchatat, M., Adesina, A. and Janssens, M., in: 1st World Congress of Agroforestry - Working Together for Sustainable Land-use Systems, 27 June-2 July 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2004. |
Redynamisation of cocoa based agroforestry system through public-private partnership in the humid forest zone of West and Central Africa, Sonwa, D., Weise, S. and Janssens, M., in: Poster presentation at the 1st World Congress of Agroforestry - Working Together for Sustainable Land-use Systems, 27 June-2 July 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2004. |
Management constraints of cocoa agroforest during acquisition and application of pesticides in Humid Forest Zone of Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Coulibaly, O., Weise, S. and Janssens, M., in: Paper presented at: Poster: technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Rural Development, 8-10 Oct, Georg-August-Universität, Deutscher Tropentag, Göttingen, 2003. |
The role of cocoa agroforest on forest resource management and poverty alleviation in rural forest area of southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S. and Janssens, M., in: Paper presented at: Poster at the International Conference on Rural Livelihoods, Forests and Biodiversity, 19-23 May, Bonn, Germany, 2003. |
Local intensification and diversification initiatives within the cocoa agroforests of southern Cameroon: lessons for participatory forestry in perennial crop-based systems of Central and West Africa, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Ndoye, O. and Janssens, M., in: Paper presented at: Second International Workshop on Participatory Forestry in Africa - Defining the way forward: sustainable livelihoods and sustainable forest management through participatory forestry, 18-22 Feb. 2002, FAO, Rome, Arusha, Tanzania, 2003. |
The promotion of cocoa agroforest in West and Central Africa (French tittle: Promotion des agroforêts cacao en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale), Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Ndoye, O. and Janssens, M., in: Paper presented at: Paper presented at the XII World Forestry Congress, 21-18 September, Quebec City, Canada, 2003. |
Cacao agroforestry: integrating cacao production and forest resource conservation and management in southern Cameroon, Sonwa, D., Weise, S., Tchatat, M., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Adesina, A., Ndoye, O. and Gockowski, J., in: Paper presented at: 2nd Pan-African Symposium on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Africa, 24-27 July 2000, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2003. |
New synergies in the promotion of cocoa-based agroforestry systems in the humid forest zone of West and Central Africa, Sonwa, D., Weise, S. and Janssens, M., in: ETFRN News, volume 39/40, pages 38-40, 2003. |
Domestication dans les agroforêts cacao de la zone de forêt humide du Sud-Cameroun:Caracteristiques et preference des cacaoculteurs pratiquants la sylviculture de Dacryodes edulis, Sonwa, D., Tchatat, M., Adesina, A., Weise, S., Nkongmeneck, B. A.*, Ndoye, O. and Endamana, D., in: Paper presented, Presses Universiatires d'Afrique, Yaounde, 2002. |
Conservation de la biodiversité et développement d'un système pilote d'information sur la production et la commercialisation dans les agroforêts Cacao du Sud-Cameroun, Sonwa, D., Wandji, D., Gockowski, J., Weise, S. and Legg, C., in: Paper presented, Dakar, Senegal, 2002. |