Omanya, G.*    

Institute:African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), Nairobi, Kenya 
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11 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Assessment of management options on Striga infestation and maize grain yield in Kenya, Kanampiu, F., Makumbi, D., Mageto, E., Omanya, G.*, Waruingi, S.*, Musyoka, P.* and Ransom, J., in: Weed Science, volume 66, pages 516-524, ISSN 0043-1745, 2018. [DOI]


Baseline study of smallholder farmers in Striga infested maize growing areas of Central Malawi, Manyong, V., Mutabazi, K. D.*, Alene, A., Kabambe, V. H.*, Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H. D.* and Bokanga, M.*, African Agricultural Technology Foundation, ISBN 9966 775 07 2, 2009.
Baseline study of smallholder farmers in Striga infested maize growing areas of Eastern Uganda, Manyong, V., Mutabazi, K. D.*, Rutto, E., Alene, A., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H. D.* and Bokanga, M.*, African Agricultural Technology Foundation, ISBN 9966 775 09 9, 2009.
Baseline study of smallholder farmers in Striga infested maize growing areas of Eastern Tanzania, Manyong, V., Mutabazi, K. D.*, Maeda, C., Alene, A., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H. D.* and Bokanga, M.*, African Agricultural Technology Foundation, ISBN 9966 775 08 0, 2009.
Spatial analysis of livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Striga-infested maize growing areas of Eastern and Southern Africa, Bouwmeester, H., Manyong, V., Mutabazi, K. D.*, Meada, C., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H. D.* and Bokanga, M.*, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), ISBN 978-131-328-5, 2009.


Baseline study of Striga control using Imazapyr-Resistant (IR) maize in Western Kenya, Manyong, V., Alene, A., Olanrewaju, A., Ayedun, B., Rweyendela, V., Wesonga, A. S., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H. and Bokanga, M., African Agricultural Technology Foundation, ISBN 9966-775-04-8, 2008.
Farmer perceptions of Imazapyr-Resistant (IR) maize on the control of Striga in Western Kenya, Manyong, V., Nindi, S. J.*, Alene, A., Odhiambo, G. D.*, Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H. and Bokanga, M., African Agricultural Technology Foundation, ISBN 9966-775-05-6, 2008.
Economic efficiency and supply response of women as farm managers: comparative evidence from Western Kenya, Alene, A., Manyong, V., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H., Bokanga, M. and Odhiambo, G. D.*, in: World Development, volume 36, number 7, pages 1247-1260, ISSN 0305-750X, 2008.
Smallholder market participation under transactions costs: maize supply and fertilizer demand in Kenya, Alene, A., Manyong, V., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H., Bokanga, M. and Odhiambo, G. D.*, in: Food Policy, volume 33, pages 318-328, ISSN 0306-9192, 2008. [DOI]


Livelihood strategies of resource-poor farmers in striga-infested areas of western Kenya, Manyong, V., Alene, A., Odhiambo, G. D.*, Mignouna, H. D.*, Bokanga, M.*, Omanya, G.* and Nindi, S. J.*, in: Second International Conference, August 20-22, 2007, Accra, Ghana : proceedings, pages 546-552, African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE), 2007.


Strategy for development of bacterial wilt resistant banana crop for the Great Lakes region of Africa, Mignouna, H., Nang'ayo, F., Omanya, G.*, Tripathi, L., Feng, T. and Bokanga, M., in: Proceedings of African Crop Science Conference, Entebbe, Uganda, December 5-8, N/A, 2005.