Hull, R.    

Institute:Child Okeford, Blandford Forum, Dorset, UK. 
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ICTV virus taxonomy profile: Caulimoviridae, Teycheney, P., Geering, A. D., Dasgupta, I.*, Hull, R., Kreuze, J., Lockhart, B., Muller, E., Olszewski, N., Pappu, H. R., Pooggin, M., Richert-Poggeler, K. R., Schoelz, J. E., Seal, S., Stavolone, L., Umber, M. and ICTV Report Consortium, , in: Journal of General Virology, volume 101, number 10, pages 1025-1026, ISSN 0022-1317, 2020. [DOI]


Ortervirales: new virus order unifying five families of reverse-transcribing viruses, Krupovic, M., Blomberg, J., Coffin, J. M., Dasgupta, I.*, Fan, H., Geering, A. D., Gifford, R., Harrach, B., Hull, R., Johnson, W., Kreuze, J., Lindemann, D., Llorens, C., Lockhart, B., Mayer, J., Muller, E., Olszewski, N., Pappu, H. R., Pooggin, M., Richert-Poggeler, K. R., Sabanadzovic, S., Sanfacon, H., Schoelz, J. E., Seal, S., Stavolone, L., Stoye, J. P., Teycheney, P., Tristem, M., Koonin, E. V. and Kuhn, J. H., in: Journal of Virology, volume 92, number 12, pages 1-7, ISSN 0022-538X, 2018. [DOI]


Banana streak badnavirus: development of diagnostics by ELISA and PCR, Thottappilly, G., Dahal, G., Harper, G., Hull, R. and Lockhart, B., in: Phytopathology, volume 87, number S-97, 1997.


Some biological and genomic properties of rice tungro bacilliform badnavirus and rice tungro spherical waikavirus from Nepal, Dahal, G., Druka, A., Burns, T. M., Villegas, L. C., Fan, Z., Shrestha, R. and Hull, R., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 129, number 2, pages 267-287, 1996.
Variation in the genome of rice tungro bacilliform virus: molecular characterization of six isolates, Fan, Z., Dahal, G., Dasgupta, I.*, Hay, J. and Hull, R., in: Journal of General Virology, volume 77, pages 847-854, 1996.
Detection of banana streak badnavirus, Harper, G., Dahal, G. and Hull, R., University of Warwick, 1996.
Biological and molecular characterization of rice dwarf and tungro viruses in Nepal, Dahal, G., Hull, R., Druka, A., Murao, K. and Uyeda, I., International Rice Reserach Institute (IRRI), 1996.