Pruning effect on nitrogen nutrient release in the root zone of Albizia lebbeck and Leucaena leucocephala, Kadiata, B., Mulongoy, K. and Mambani, B., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 26, pages 187-193, 1998. |
Influence of pruning frequency of Albizia lebbeck, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala on nodulation and potential nitrogen fixation, Kadiata, B., Mulongoy, K. and Isirimah, N.*, in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 24, pages 255-260, 1997. |
Screening woody and shrub legumes for growth, nodulation and nitrogen-fixation potential in two contrasting soils, Kadiata, B., Mulongoy, K., Isirimah, N.* and Amakiri, M., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 33, pages 137-152, 1996. |
Time course of biological nitrogen fixation, nitrogen absorption and biomass accumulation in three woody legumes, Kadiata, B., Mulongoy, K. and Isirimah, N.*, in: Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, volume 13, pages 253-266, ISSN 0144-8765, 1996. |
The role of Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in alley cropping, Fagbola, O.*, Awotoye, O. O.*, Atayese, M. O.*, Osonubi, O.* and Mulongoy, K., in: Alley farming research and development: proceedings of an international conference on alley farming, 14-18 September 1992, pages 203-210, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
The effect of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on nutrient uptake and yield of alley cropped cassava in a degraded Alfisol of southwestern Nigeria, Osonubi, O.*, Atayese, M. O.* and Mulongoy, K., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 20, number 1, pages 70-76, 1995. |
Increasing biological N2 fixation and its contribution to the N cycle in alley cropping, Sanginga, N. and Mulongoy, K., in: Alley farming research and development: proceedings of an international conference on alley farming, 14-18 September, 1992, pages 90-102, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
Early nitrogen fixation and utilization in Albizia lebbeck, Leucocephala, and Gliiricidia sepium using nitrogen 15N labeling, Kadiata, B. and Mulongoy, K., in: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, volume 26, number 9 and 10, pages 1397-1409, 1995. |
Persistence and recovery of introduced Rhizobium ten years after inoculation on Leucaena leucocephala grown on an Alfisol in southwetern Nigeria, Sanginga, N., Danso, S. K. A.*, Mulongoy, K. and Ojeifo, A. A., in: Plant and Soil, volume 159, pages 199-204, 1994. |
Screeing of multipurpose trees for alley cropping on Alfisol and Ultisol, Okogun, J., Mulongoy, K., Odu, C. T. I. and Agboola, A. A., in: Recent development in biological nitrogen fixation research in Africa: proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation (AABNF), 14-19 September 1992, Rabat, Morocco, pages 551-562, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, 1994. |
Effect of pruning frequency on nitrogen accumulation and fixation in two woody legumes, Kadiata, B. and Mulongoy, K., in: Recent developments in biological nitrogen fixation research in Africa: proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation (AABNF), 14-19 September 1992, Rabat, Morocco, pages 203-213, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, 1994. |
Comparisons of the influence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza on the productivity of hedgerow woody legumes and cassava at the top and the base of a hillslope in alley cropping systems, Atayese, M. O.*, Awotoye, O. O.*, Osonubi, O.* and Mulongoy, K., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 16, number 3, pages 198-204, 1993. |
Evolution of plant biomass and nutrient content in relation to soil fertility changes in two alley cropping systems, van der Meersch, M., Merckx, R . and Mulongoy, K., pages 143-154, John Wiley & Sons with Satce Publishing (UK), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), IITA, Ibadan, 1993. |
Effect of management practices on alley-cropped maize utilization of nitrogen Alfisol in south-western Nigeria, Mulongoy, K., Ibewiro, B., Oseni, O., Kilumba, N., Opara-Nadi, A. O. and Osonubi, O.*, pages 223-230, John Wiley & Sons with Sayce Publishing (UK), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), IITA, Ibadan, 1993. |
Nitrogen-supplying capacity of leaves of Dactyladenia barteri (Hook ex olw) and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in two soils of different acidity from southern Nigeria, Mulongoy, K. and Gasser, M. O., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 16, number 1, pages 57-62, 1993. |
Effect of alley cropping and following on some soil fertility parameters in southern Nigeria, Mulongoy, K., Kunda, K. N. and Chiang, C. N. K., pages 47-55, John Wiley & Sons with Sayce Publishing (UK), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), IITA, Ibadan, 1993. |
Response of some tropical nitrogen-fixing woody legumes to drought and inoculation with mycorrhiza, Awotoye, O. O.*, Atayese, M. O.*, Osonubi, O.*, Mulongoy, K. and Okali, D. U. U., pages 67-77, John Wiley & Sons; Sayce Publishing; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); AABNF, 1992. |
Nitrogen contribution of woody legumes in alley cropping systems, Kang, B. and Mulongoy, K., pages 367-375, John Willey & Sons; Sayce Publishing; international institute of Tropical Agricultue (IITA); AABNF, 1992. |
Effect of fertilizatin and Rhizobium inoculation on the growth of Leucaena and Gliricidia on an Alfisol in south-western Nigeria, Cobbina, J., Mulongoy, K. and Atta-Krah, A. N., pages 161-169, John Wiley & Sons; Sayce Publishing; international Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); AABNF, 1992. |
Contribution of soil organisms to the sustainability and productivity cropping systems in the tropics, Sanginga, N., Mulongoy, K. and Swift, M. J., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 41, pages 135-152, ISSN 0167-8809, 1992. |
Early growth and symbiotic properties of three woody legumes grown on a sandy soil in south-western Nigeria, Mulongoy, K. and Owoaje, B. T., pages 139-146, John Wiley & Sons; Sayce Publishing; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture(IITA); AABNF, 1992. |
Soil effect on early growth and nodulation of three Leucaena species, Kadiata, B. and Mulongoy, K., in: Leucaena Research Report, volume 12, pages 80-82, 1991. |
Response of two Acacia species to drought and inoculation with an ectomycorrhizal fungus, Osonubi, O.* and Mulongoy, K., pages 375, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991. |
Effects of ectomycorrhizal and vescular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on drought tolerance of four leguminous woody seedlings, Osonubi, O.*, Mulongoy, K., Awotoye, O. O.*, Atayese, M. O.* and Okali, D. U. U., in: Plant and Soil, volume 136, number 1, pages 131-143, 1991. |
Development of technologies for productive and sustainable agriculture for the humid and sub-humid tropics of Africa, Spencer, D. and Mulongoy, K., in: The role of biology in resolving the food crisis in Africa, edited by A.T. Ba and M. Ndoye. Proceedings, International Symposium, Jul 1989, Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire, pages 133-143, ICSU; UNDP; UNESCO, 1991. |
Estimation of N2 fixation by nitrogen-fixing trees in the subhumid tropics using 15N dilution and difference methods, Liya, S. M., Odu, C. T. I., Agboola, A. A. and Mulongoy, K., pages 190-192, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1990. |
Sweet potato root and biomass production with and without nitrogen fertilization, Hill, W. A., Dodo, H. W., Hahn, S. K., Mulongoy, K. and Adeyeye, S. O., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 82, number 6, pages 1120-1122, ISSN 0002-1962, 1990. |
Population of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in sweet potato fibrous roots, Dodo, H. W., Hill, W. A., Mulongoy, K., Adeyeye, S. O. and Hahn, S. K., volume 2, pages 99-104, Collection Actes de I'ISRA, 1990. |
The influence of some parameters of soil fertility on early growth of Leucaena leucocephala and Cassia siamea, Liya, S. M., Mulongoy, K., Odu, C. T. I. and Agboola, A. A., in: Maximiser la fixation biologique de l'azote pour la production agricole et forestiere en Afrique. Illeme Conference de L'AABNF, 7-12 Nov 1988, Dakar, Senegal, edited by M. Gueye, K. Mulongoy, and Y. Dommergues. Collection Actes de l'ISRA, Vol. 2 no 2, pages 250-256, 1990. |
Nitrogen contribution of Azolla and Sesbania rostrata to rice, Esiobu, N., Mulongoy, K. and Van Hove, C., pages 656, 1990. |
Effect of inoculation with Rhizobium, P application and liming on early growth of leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala Lam. de Wit), Gichuru, M. and Mulongoy, K., volume 2, pages 72-80, Collection Actes de l'ISRA, 1990. |
Maximiser la fixation biologique de l'azote pour la production agricole et forestiere en Afrique, Gueye, M.*, Mulongoy, K. and Dommergues, Y., volume 2, Collection Actes de l'ISRA, 1990. |
Agronomic and economic benefits of nitrogen contributed by legumes in live-mulch and alley cropping systems, Mulongoy, K. and Akobundu, I., in: Nitrogen fixation, achievements and objectives: proceedings of the 8th International Congress on nitrogen fixation, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A. May 20-26, 1990, pages 625-632, Chapman and Hall, 1990. |
Biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer in multiple cropping in tropical Africa, Mulongoy, K. and Ehui, S. K., in: Maximiser la fixation biologique de l'azote pour la production agricole et forestiere en Afrique. Illeme Conference de L'AABNF, 7-12 Nov 1988, Dakar, Senegal, edited by M. Gueye, K. Mulongoy, and Y. Dommergues. Collection Actes de l'ISRA, pages 174-191, 1990. |
Nodulation and growth of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) in three soils, Mulongoy, K. and Goli, A. E., in: Maximiser la fixation biologique de l'azote pour la production agricole et forestiere en Afrique. Illeme Conference de L'AABNF, 7-12 Nov 1988, Dakar, Senegal, edited by M. Gueye, K. Mulongoy, and Y. Dommergues. Collection Actes de l'ISRA, pages 27-33, 1990. |
Biological nitrogen fixation in alley farming, Mulongoy, K. and Sanginga, N., pages 326-327, 1990. |
Effectivity of indigenous rhizobia for nodulation and early nitrogen fixation with Leucaena leucocephala grown in Nigeria soils, Sanginga, N., Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, volume 21, number 2, pages 231-235, 1989. |
Nitrogen fixation of field-inoculated Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit estimated by the 15N and the difference methods, Sanginga, N., Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Plant and Soil, volume 117, pages 269-274, 1989. |
Properties of wormcasts and surface soils under various plant covers in the humid tropics, Mulongoy, K. and Bedoret, A., in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, volume 21, number 2, pages 197-203, 1989. |
Nitrogen contribution of Leucanea/Rhizobium symbiosis to soil and a subsequent maize crop, Sanginga, N., Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Plant and Soil, volume 112, pages 137-141, 1988. |
Nodulation and growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit as affected by inoculation and N fertilizer, Sanginga, N., Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Plant and Soil, volume 112, pages 129-135, 1988. |
Response of Leucaena/Rhizobium symbiosis to mineral nutrients in Southwestern Nigeria, Sanginga, N., Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Plant and Soil, volume 112, pages 121-127, 1988. |
Differences in mycorrhizal infections and P uptake of sweet potato cultivars (Ipomoea batatas L.) during their early growth in three soils, Mulongoy, K., Callens, A. and Okogun, J., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, 1988. |
Nitrogen contribution by leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) prunings to maize in an alley cropping system, Mulongoy, K. and van der Meersch, M., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 6, pages 282-285, 1988. |
Evaluation of plant and animal biomass, Mulongoy, K., IBSRAM Technical Notes, pages 195-205, 1988. |
Nitrogen fixation and N contribution of selected trees in alley cropping system, Mulongoy, K., Owoaje, B. T., Ibewiro, B. and Okogun, J., pages 824, 1988. |
Most probable numbers of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with sweet potato roots, Hill, W. A., Hahn, S. K. and Mulongoy, K., IDRC, 1987. |
Gliricidia sepium as a source of green manure in alley cropping, Kang, B. and Mulongoy, K., in: Proceedings of a Workshop on Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp, pages 44-49, Nitrogen-Fixing Trees Association (NFTA), 1987. |
Influence of biological processes on soil fertility: research priority for sustained crop production in the tropics., Mulongoy, K., Actes des Seminaires, ORSTOM, 1987. |
Alley cropping: trees as sources of green-manure and mulch in the tropics, Wilson, G. F., Kang, B. and Mulongoy, K., in: Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, volume 3, pages 251-267, ISSN 0144-8765, 1986. |
Decomposition, nitrogen release and weed control by prunings of selected alley cropping shrubs, Yamoah, C. F., Agboola, A. A. and Mulongoy, K., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 4, number 3, pages 239-246, ISSN 0167-4366, 1986. |
Nitrification and mineralization potentials in a limed Ultisol in the humid tropics, ARORA , Y., Mulongoy, K. and Juo, A. S. R., in: Plant and Soil, volume 92, pages 153-157, 1986. |
Inoculation of Leucocephala(Lam.) de Wit with Rhizobium and its nitrogen contribution to a subsequent maize crops, Sanginga, N., Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, volume 3, pages 347-352, ISSN 0144-8765, 1986. |
The role and potential of forage legumes in alley cropping, live mulch and rotation systems in humid and subhumid tropical Africa, Mulongoy, K. and Kang, B. T., in: Potentials of forage legumes in farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a workshop held at ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 16-19 September 1985, pages 212-231, International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1986. |
Potential of Sesbania rostrata (Brem) as a nitrogen source in alley cropping system, Mulongoy, K., in: Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, volume 3, pages 341-346, ISSN 0144-8765, 1986. |
Microbial biomass and maize nitrogen uptake under a Psophocarpus palsustris live mulch grown on a tropical Alfisol, Mulongoy, K., in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, volume 18, pages 395-398, 1986. |
Dynamics of the population sizes of cowpea and soybean rhizobia at three locations in West Africa, Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Mircen Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, volume 2, pages 301-308, 1986. |
Nitrogen uptake of maize in live mulch systems, Mulongoy, K. and Akobundu, I., in: Nitrogen management in Farming System in humid and subhumid Tropics, pages 285-290, 1985. |
The effects of tree leaves as mulch and green manure, Wilson, G. F., Kang, B. and Mulongoy, K., Ashford, 1984. |
La place de la recherche en microbiologie des sols dans la production agricole a l'IITA, Mulongoy, K., 1984. |
L'inoculation des legumineuses en Afrique, Mulongoy, K., 1984. |
Management of the cowpea-Rhizobium symbiosis in tropical agriculture, Mulongoy, K., in: Presented at the First World Cowpea Research Conference, 4-9 November, IITA, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 1984. |
Potential of Sesbania rostrata (Brem.) as a nitrogen source in alley cropping systems, Mulongoy, K., 1984. |
Utilization d'azolla et des legumineuses comme engrais verts, Mulongoy, K., 1984. |
Potential of azolla in tropical agriculture, Mulongoy, K., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1984. |
Decomposition and nitrogen contribution of prunings of selected legumes in alley cropping systems, Mulongoy, K., Yamoah, C. F. and Agboola, A. A., 1984. |
Effect of inoculation and mineral nutrients on nodulation and growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, Mulongoy, K., Sanginga, N. and Ayanaba, A., 1984. |
Effect of inoculation and mineral nutrients on nodulation and growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, Mulongoy, K., Sanginga, N. and Ayanaba, A., 1984. |
Inoculation of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. with Rhizobium and its nitrogen contribution to a subsequent maize crop, Mulongoy, K., Sanginga, N. and Ayanaba, A., Ashford, 1984. |
Nitrogen uptake in live mulch systems, Mulongoy, K. and Akobundu, I., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1984. |
Field decomposition of leaves of Psophocarpus palustris and Gliricidia sepium in an Alfisol as affected by thiodan and benomyl, Mulongoy, K., in: Paper presented at joint meeting of the British Society of Soil Science and commissions III and IV of the International Society of Soil Science on Biological Processes and Soil Fertility, pages 4-5, 1983. |
Variation of the population sizes ofcowpea and soybeans rhizobia at three locations in West Africa, Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., 1983. |
Effect of Liming on Mineralization of soil and Fertilizer Nitrogen in an Ultisol From the High Rainfall Tropics, ARORA , Y., Mulongoy, K. and Juo, A. S. R., in: Soil Science, 1982. |
Evaluation of Rhizobium inoculants with field-grown cowpeas at three locations, Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Paper presented at NSMAnnual Conference, 26-30 January 1982, 1982. |
Identification of effective symbioses between cowpeas and indegenous rhizobia or endornycorrhizal fungi in three soils, Mulongoy, K. and Ayanaba, A., in: Paper presented at NSM Annual Conference , 26-30 January 1982, 1982. |
Cowpea nodulation and response to inoculation in West Africa, Mulongoy, K., Ayanaba, A., Asanuma, S. and Ranga Rao, V., in: Paper presented at 1st OAU/STRC Inter-African Conference on Bio-fertilizers,22-26 March 1982, 1982. |
High-temperature tolerant "cowpea" rhitzobia,, Eaglesham, A.R.J., Seaman, B., Ahmad, H., Hassouna, S., Ayanaba, A. and Mulongoy, K., Australian Academy of Science, 1981. |
Exploiting the diversity in the cowpea - rhizobia symbiosis for increased cowpea production, Mulongoy, K., Ayanaba, A. and Pulver, E., Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology, volume pp. 119 - 125, Academic Press, 1981. |
Exploiting the diversity in the cowpea-rhizobia symbiosis for increased cowpea production, Mulongoy, K., Ayanaba, A. and Pulver, E. L., 1980. |
Point de la recherche sur la fixation biologique de l'azate a l'IITA et son impact sur l'agriculture tropicale, Mulongoy, K., 1980. |