Schmidt, T. J.    

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Publications as Author


13C-NMR assignments for methyls and quarternary carbons of the limonoid abacunone, Rugutt, J. K., Fischer, N. H., Nauman, M. A., Schmidt, T. J. and Berner, D. K., in: Spectroscopy Letters, volume 29, pages 711-726, 1996.
Carbon-13 assignments and revision of the stereostructures of the cadinanes 2-hydroxy-8-angeloyoxycalamenene and 2-hydro-8-hydroxycalamenene, Rugutt, J. K., Fischer, N. H., Nauman, M. A., Schmidt, T. J. and Berner, D. K., in: Spectroscopy Letters, volume 29, pages 799-818, 1996.