Drivers of transformation of the maize sector in Nigeria, Assfaw Wossen, T., Menkir, A., Alene, A., Abdoulaye, T., Ajala, S., Badu-Apraku, B., Gedil, M., Mengesha Abera, W. and Meseka, S. K., in: Global Food Security, volume 38, number -: 100713, pages 1-12, ISSN 2211-9124, 2023. [DOI] |
Heterotic grouping of tropical maize inbred lines and their hybrid performance under stem borer infestation and low soil nitrogen condition in west and central Africa, Olayiwola, M. O.*, Ajala, S., Ariyo, O. J.*, Ojo, D. K.* and Gedil, M., in: Euphytica, volume 217, number -: 14, pages 1-22, ISSN 0014-2336, 2021. [DOI] |
Direct estimation of maize leaf area index as influenced by organic and inorganic fertilizer rates in Guinea Savanna, Berdjour, A., Dugje, I.*, Rahman, N. A., Odoom, D. A.*, Kamara, A. and Ajala, S., in: Journal of Agricultural Science, volume 12, number 6, pages 66-75, ISSN 1916-9752, 2020. [DOI] |
Assessment of heterotic patterns of tropical low-nitrogen-tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines using testcross performance, morphological traits and SNP markers, Ajala, S., Olayiwola, M. O., Job, A. O., Olaniyan, A.* and Gedil, M., in: Plant Breeding, volume 139, number 6, pages 1113-1124, ISSN 0179-9541, 2020. [DOI] |
Assessment of genetic diversity among low-nitrogen-tolerant early generation maize inbred lines using SNP markers, Ajala, S., Olayiwola, M. O., Ilesanmi, O. J., Gedil, M., Job, A. O. and Olaniyan, A.*, in: South African Journal of Plant and Soil, pages 1-8, ISSN 0257-1862, 2019. [DOI] |
Yield improvement in maize for tolerance to low soil nitrogen, Ajala, S., Olaniyan, A.*, Olayiwola, M. O. and Job, A. O., in: Plant Breeding, pages 1-9, ISSN 0179-9541, 2018. [DOI] |
Physiological and morphological changes associated with recurrent selection for low nitrogen tolerance in maize, Udo, E. F., Ajala, S. and Olaniyan, A.*, in: Euphytica, volume 213, number 140, pages 1-13, ISSN 0014-2336, 2017. [DOI] |
Input use and profitability of arable crops production in Nigeria, Awotide, D. O.*, Ikudaisi, O. J.*, Ajala, S. and Kaltungo, J. H.*, in: Journal of Sustainable Development, volume 8, number 3, pages 139-146, ISSN 1913-9063, 2015. [DOI] |
Effects of NPK single fertilizers on relative growth performances of two cycles of Maize (Zea mays L.) grown in a degraded soil of Southwest Nigeria, Chukwuka, K.*, Ajala, S., Nwosu, P. C.* and Omotayo, O. E.*, in: Journal of Agronomy, volume 14, number 4, pages 203-211, ISSN 1812-5379, 2015. [DOI] |
Selection of maize genotypes resistant to pink stem borer and sugarcane borer, Ngwuta, A.*, Ajala, S., Obi, I. U.* and Ene-obong, E. E.*, in: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A, volume 5, pages 174-182, ISSN 2161-6256, 2015. [DOI] |
Physiological and morphological changes associated with selection for yield under low soil nitrogen in maize (Zea mays L.) (proceeding/poster), Udo, E. F., Ajala, S. and Olaniyan, A.*, 2015. |
Estimates of genetic variances and relationship among traits associated with stem borer resistance in maize (Zea mays L.), Oloyede-Kamiyo, Q.*, Ajala, S. and Akoroda, M. O.*, in: Field Crops Research, volume 166, pages 137-143, ISSN 0378-4290, 2014. [DOI] |
Introgression of alleles from maize landraces to improve drought tolerance in an adapted germplasm, Meseka, S. K., Fakorede, M.*, Ajala, S., Badu-Apraku, B. and Menkir, A., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, volume 27, number 1, pages 96-112, ISSN 1542-7528, 2013. [DOI] |
Building partnerships and encouraging innovation for sustainable maize production: the West and Central Africa Collaborative Maize Research Network, achievements and impact, Badu-Apraku, B., Menkir, A., Fakorede, M.*, Ajala, S. and Ellis-Jones, J., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-8444-03-9, 2012. |
Maize genetic improvement for enhanced productivity gains in West and Central Africa, Menkir, A., Badu-Apraku, B. and Ajala, S., in: R4D review, number 8, pages 6-10, ISSN 2071-3681, 2012. |
Full-Sib family selection in maize populations for tolerance to low soil nitrogen, Ajala, S., Kling, J. and Menkir, A., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, volume 26, number 5, pages 581-598, ISSN 1542-7528, 2012. [DOI] |
Relationships among traits of tropical early maize cultivars in contrasting environments, Badu-Apraku, B., Akinwale, R., Ajala, S., Menkir, A., Fakorede, M.* and Oyekunle, M., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 103, number 3, pages 717-729, ISSN 0002-1962, 2011. [DOI] |
Genetic analysis of performance of maize inbred lines under drought stress, Meseka, S. K., Menkir, A. and Ajala, S., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, volume 25, number 5, pages 521-539, ISSN 1542-7528, 2011. [DOI] |
Performance of tropical early-maturing maize cultivars in multiple stress environments, Badu-Apraku, B., Menkir, A., Ajala, S., Akinwale, R., Oyekunle, M. and Obeng-Antwi, K.*, in: Canadian Journal of Plant Science, volume 90, number 6, pages 831-852, ISSN 0008-4220, 2010. [DOI] |
Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes as a component of integrated stem borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe) management in coastal region of Kenya, Ajala, S., Nour, A. M., Ampong-Nyarko, K. and Odindo, M. O., in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 5, number 8, pages 758-763, ISSN 1991-637X, 2010. |
Expected responses to aggregate trait selection in maize (Zea mays L.), Ajala, S., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 8, number 1, pages 185-189, ISSN 1459-0255, 2010. |
The economic and poverty impacts of maize research in West and Central Africa, Alene, A., Menkir, A., Ajala, S., Badu-Apraku, B., Olanrewaju, A., Manyong, V. and Ndiaye, A.*, in: Agricultural Economics, volume 40, number 5, pages 535-550, ISSN 0169-5150, 2009. |
Evaluation of local maize (Zea mays L.) varieties from Burkina Faso as source of tolerance to drought, Olaoye, G.*, Menkir, A., Ajala, S. and Jacob, S., in: Journal of Applied Biosciences, volume 17, pages 887-898, ISSN 1997-5902, 2009. |
Response of early maturing maize landraces and improved varieties to moisture deficit and sufficient water supply, Menkir, A., Badu-Apraku, B., Ajala, S., Kamara, A. and Ndiaye, A.*, in: Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization, volume 7, number 3, pages 205-215, ISSN 1479-2621, 2009. |
Participatory selection of a maize (Zea mays L.) variety for the control of stem borers in a southeastern Nigeria location, Olaoye, G.*, Ajala, S. and Adedeji, S. A.*, in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 7, number 2, pages 508-512, ISSN 1459-0255, 2009. |
Screening and breeding for resistance to maize stem borers and Eldana in West and Central Africa, Ajala, S., Aroga, R.*, Odiyi, A.* and Olaoye, G.*, in: African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, pages 559-564, African Crop Science Society, 2009. |
Comparison of predicted responses to three types of recurrent selection procedures for the improvement of a maize (Zea mays L.) population, Ajala, S., Ago, C. E.* and Olaoye, G.*, in: Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, volume 1, number 8, pages 284-292, ISSN 2006-9758, 2009. |
Response of rice breeding lines to N-fertilizer application, Ajala, S., Masajo, T.M. and Winslow, M. D., in: Nigerian Journal of Genetics, volume 21 & 22, pages 94-105, 2009. |
Population cross diallel of maize genotypes with varying levels of resistance to the pink stalk borer (Sesamia calamistis: Hampson) and the sugarcane borer (Eldana sacharina: Walker), Ajala, S., Odiyi, A. C., The, C.* and Olaoye, G.*, in: Maydica, volume 53, number 2, pages 79-86, ISSN 0025-6153, 2008. |
A review of NARES-IARC-Donor collaboration to develop demand-driven technologies for improved maize production in West and Central Africa, Fakorede, M., Badu-Apraku, B., Menkir, A., Ajala, S. and Fontem Lum, A., in: Demand-driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa: proceedings of the Fifth biennial Regional Maize Workshop, 3-6 May 2005, IITA- Cotonou, Benin Republic, pages 3-24, 2007. |
Colonization of resistant and susceptible maize genotypes by the pink stem borer, Sesamia calamistis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Aroga, R. and Ajala, S., in: In Demand driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa, pages 257-270, WECAMAN; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007. |
Breeding strategies to improve maize for adaptation to low soil nitrogen in West and Central Africa, Ajala, S., Menkir, A., Kamara, A., Alabi, S.* and Abdulai, M. S.*, in: African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, pages 87-94, African Crop Science Society, 2007. |
Responses of maize hybrids developed for drought tolerance to low soil nitrogen, Meseka, S. K.*, Menkir, A., Elhassan, A., Ibrahim, S. S., Ajala, S. and Kamara, A., in: Journal of Agricultural Science, volume 4, number 1, pages 1-14, ISSN 0021-8596, 2006. |
Genetic analysis of performance of maize inbred lines selected for tolerance to drought under low nitrogen, Meseka, S. K., Menkir, A., Ibrahim, A.* and Ajala, S., in: Maydica, volume 51, number 3-4, pages 487-495, ISSN 0025-6153, 2006. |
Genetic gains from cycles of full-sib recurrent selection for low nitrogen tolerance in a tropical maize population, Omoigui, L., Alabi, S.*, Ado, S., Ajala, S. and Kamara, A., in: Maydica, volume 51, number 3/4, pages 497-505, 2006. |
Progress in breeding tropical maize for adaptation to sub-optimal soil nitrogen at IITA, Menkir, A., Ajala, S., Kamara, A. and Meseka, S. K.*, in: 42nd Illinois Corn Breeder's School, March 6-7, 2006, Champaign, Urbana, USA, 2006. |
Performance of diverse maize genotypes under nitrogen deficiency stress in the northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria, Kamara, A., Menkir, A., Ajala, S. and Kureh, I.*, in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 41, number 2, pages 199-212, 2005. |
Agronomic performance of maize cultivars representing three decades of breeding in the Guinea Savannas of West and Central Africa, Kamara, A., Menkir, A., Fakorede, M., Ajala, S., Badu-Apraku, B. and Kureh, I.*, in: Journal of Agricultural Science, volume 142, pages 567-575, ISSN 0021-8596, 2004. [DOI] |
Strategies of WECAMAN to promote the adoption of sustainable maize production technologies in West and Central Africa, Badu-Apraku, B., Fakorede, D.*, Ajala, S. and Fontem Lum, A., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 2, number 3&4, pages 106-113, ISSN 1459-0255, 2004. |
Vertical root-pulling resistance in maize is related to nitrogen uptake and yield, Kamara, A., Kling, J., Ajala, S. and Menkir, A., pages 228-232, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), 2004. |
Enhancing human resources for maize research and development in West and Central Africa: a networking approach, Badu-Apraku, B., Fakorede, M. and Ajala, S., in: Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, volume 33, pages 77-84, 2004. |
Maize revolution in West and Central Africa: an overview, Fakorede, M., Badu-Apraku, B., Kamara, A., Menkir, A. and Ajala, S., pages 3-15, WECAMAN; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2003. |
Maize revolution in West and Central Africa: an overview, Fakorede, M., Badu-Apraku, B., Kamara, A., Menkir, A. and Ajala, S., WECAMAN; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2003. |
Development and regional deployment of streak virus resistant maize germplasm: an overview, Fakorede, M., Fajemisin, J., Ladipo, J.*, Ajala, S. and Kim, S. K., in: Plant virology in sub-Saharan African: proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001 Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 503-516, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003. |
Impact of IITA germplasm improvement on maize production in West and Central Africa, Manyong, V., Kling, J., Makinde, K., Ajala, S. and Menkir, A., pages 159-181, chapter 8, CABI, ISBN 0-85199-549-7, 2003. |
Promoting maize technology transfer in West and Central Africa: a networking approach, Badu-Apraku, B., Fakorede, M. and Ajala, S., in: Maize revolution in West and Central Africa, pages 45-85, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), WECAMAN, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003. |
Enhancing the capacity of national agricultural systems for maize research and development in West and Central Africa: accomplishments of WECAMAN and planned activities for the immediate future, Badu-Apraku, B., Fakorede, M., Ajala, S., Obubo, R. and Okafor, C., in: Maize revolution in West and Central Africa, pages 520-538, WECAMAN, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa: IV. Inheritance of resistance to downy mildew (Perenosclerospora sorghi) infection, Kim, S. K., Ajala, S. and Kling, J., in: Maydica, volume 48, pages 9-14, 2003. |
An approach to rapid deployment of agricultural technologies: transfer of downy mildew resistant maize to farmers in Ogbomoso, southwest Nigeria, Ajala, S., Manyong, V., Adenle, V., Makinde, K., Akintunde, A., Olufowote, J. O.*, Bolaji, M. and Bolaji, B., in: Maize revolution in West And Central Africa: proceedings of a Regional Maize Workshop, 14-18 May, 2001, IITA-Cotonou, Bénin Republic, pages 499-519, WECAMAN; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2003. |
Improvement of maize populations for resistance to downy mildew, Ajala, S., Kling, J., Kim, S. K. and Obajimi, A., in: Plant Breeding, volume 122, pages 328-333, 2003. |
The relationship between vertical root-pulling resistance and nitrogen uptake and utilization in maize breeding lines, Kamara, A., Kling, J., Ajala, S. and Menkir, A., in: Maydica, volume 47, pages 135-140, 2002. |
Progress in breeding for low nitrogen stress in the northern Guinea savanna, Alabi, S.*, Kling, J., Ado, S., Iyobisere, E., Ajala, S., Showemimo, F. and Tarfa, B.*, in: Abstracts opf the Fourth Biennial West and Central Africa Regional Maize Workshop, 14-18 May, pages 17, Cotonou, Benin Republic, 2001. |
Seed treatment with Trichoderma species for control of damping-off of cowpea caused by Macrophomina phaseolina, Adekunle, A., Cardwell, K., Ikotun, T.*, Ajeigbe, H. and Ajala, S., in: Journal of Sustainable Tropical Agriculture Research, volume 11, number 1, pages 449-457, 2001. |
Available improved maize varieties from IITA, Menkir, A., Kling, J., Badu-Apraku, B. and Ajala, S., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2001. |
Performance of improved maize varieties under low and high N conditions in the Guinea savannas of Nigeria, Kamara, A., Kling, J., Sanginga, P. and Ajala, S., in: Deutscher Tropentang, 9-11 Oct. Bonn, Germany, pages 127, 2001. |
Hybrid maize and hybrid seed production in Nigeria: lessons for other West and Central African countries, Fakorede, M., Fajemisin, J., Ajala, S., Kling, J. and Menkir, A., WECAMAN, 2001. |
Meeting the training needs for maize research and development in West and Central Africa: accomplishements of WECAMAN and planned activities for the immediate future, Badu-Apraku, B., Ajala, S., Obubo, R. and Okafor, C., pages 79, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2001. |
Potential sources of resistance to maize stem borers (Sesamia calamists Hampson) and Eldana saccharina (Walker) in local populations of southeastern Nigeria, Ngwuta, A.*, Ajala, S., Obi, I. U.* and Ene-Obong, E.*, pages 91, 2001. |
Progress in breeding for resistance to maize stem borers sesamia calamistis and Eldana saccharina in West and Central Africa, Ajala, S., Kling, J., Schulthess, F., Cardwell, K. and Odiyi, A., in: Seventh Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Maize Conference, 11-15 February, 2001, pages 49-54, 2001. |
Recent advances in breeding maize for resistance to stem borers, Ajala, S., Schulthess, F. and Cardwell, K., in: Abstracts of the Fourth Biennial West and Central Africa Regional Maize Worlshop, 14-18 May, pages 21, Cotonou, Benin Republic, 2001. |
Breeding strategies to improve maize (Zea mays L.) for downy mildew (Perenosclerospora sorghi) resistance in west and central Africa, Ajala, S., Kling, J., Menkir, A., Cardwell, K. and Adetoro, J. A., in: Book of Abstracts of the 5th Biennial Conference of the African Crop Science Society, Lagos, Nigeria, 21-26 Oct., pages 63, 2001. |
An approach to rapid deployment of agricultural technologes: the case of downy mildew resistant maize in Ogbomoso, southwest Nigeria, Ajala, S., Manyong, V., Adenle, V., Makinde, K., Akintunde, A., Olufowote, J. O.*, Bolaji, M. and Bolaji, B., pages 75, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2001. |
Impact of IITA-improved germplasm on maize production in west and central Africa, Manyong, V., Kling, J., Makinde, K., Ajala, S. and Menkir, A., Impact series, 2000. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa. III. Tropical maize inbreds, Kim, S. K., Ajala, S. and Brewbaker, J., in: Maydica, volume 44, pages 285-291, 2000. |
Fertility requirement of open-pollinated and hybrid maize genotypes, Ajala, S., Menkir, A. and Kling, J., in: Paper presented at: Sustainable maize production in Nigeria: The challenge in the coming millennium. Proceedings of the National Maize Workshop, 22-24 July 1999, ABU, Zaria, Nigeria, 2000. |
Potential for molecular breeding of maize at IITA, Kling, J., Menkir, A., Ajala, S. and Quin, F., in: DNA marker-assisted improvement of the staple crops of sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a workshop on DNA markers, Ibadan, Nigeria, 21-22 August 1996, pages 124-135, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); CTA, 1999. |
Recent advances in the control of stemborers West and Central Africa, Schulthess, F. and Ajala, S., in: Strategy for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa: proceedings of a regional maize workshop, Cotonou, Benin Republic, 21-25 April 1997, pages 35-52, WECAMAN; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1999. |
Evidence of antibiosis resistance to the spotted stemborer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) in a maize (Zea mays L.) population, Mutinda, C. J. M.*, Saxena, N.*, Ajala, S. and Ayiecho *, P. O., in: Insect Science and its Application, volume 18, number 3, pages 217-224, ISSN 0191-9040, 1998. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa; I: open- pollinated varieties, Kim, S. K. and Ajala, S., in: Maydica, volume 41, pages 127-134, 1996. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa II. Troppical vs temperate x tropical origins, Kim, S. K. and Ajala, S., in: Maydica, volume 41, pages 135-141, 1996. |