Magani, I. E.*    

Firstname:I. E.* 
Institute:Department of Crop Protection and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria 
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2 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Reaction of cowpea varieties to Alectra Vogelii (Benth.) in Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria, Magani, I. E.*, Lagoke, S. T. O.* and Emechebe, A., in: The Nigerian Agricultural Journal, volume 40, number 1-2, pages 82-92, ISSN 0300-368X, 2009.


Reaction of cowpea varieties to Alectra vogeli in the northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria, Magani, I. E.*, Lagoke, S.*, Emechebe, A., Singh, B. and Olufajo, O.*, number 6, 1996.