Adejuyigbe, C.    


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Faunal interactions in litter decomposition and nutrient turnover, Tian, G., Adejuyigbe, C. and Adeoye, G.*, 1999.
Soil microarthropod populations under natural and planted fallows in southwestern Nigeria, Adejuyigbe, C., Tian, G. and Adeoye, G.*, in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 47, number 1-3, pages 263-272, ISSN 0167-4366, 1999. [DOI]


Role of soil microarthropods in leaf decomposition and N release under various land-use practices in the humid tropics, Tian, G., Adejuyigbe, C., Adeoye, G.* and Kang, B., in: Pedobiologia, volume 42, pages 33-42, 1998.


Soil faunal activity as an important component of soil fertility through influencing plant decomposition, Tian, G., Badejo, M. A.* and Adejuyigbe, C., in: 3rd African Soil Science Society Conference, 19-26 August 1995,, pages 579-590, OAU/STRC, Lagos, Nigeria, 1997.
Impact of land-use practices on soil microarthropod populations, Adejuyigbe, C., Tian, G., Adeoye, G.* and Kang, B., in: 3rd African Soil Science Society Conference, 19-26 August, 1995, pages 499-505, OAU/STRC, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1997.