Reaction of white guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) genotypes to virus diseases in four agroecological zones in Nigeria, Odu, B., Asiedu, R., Shoyinka, S.* and Hughes, J., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 154, number 11-12, pages 688-693, ISSN 0931-1785, 2006. |
Screening of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) genotypes for reactions to viruses in Nigeria, Odu, B., Asiedu, R., Shoyinka, S.* and Hughes, J., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 154, number 11-12, pages 716-724, ISSN 0931-1785, 2006. |
Responses of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) cultivars to inoculation with three viruses, Odu, B., Hughes, J., Asiedu, R., Ng, N. Q., Shoyinka, S.* and Oladiran, O., in: Plant Pathology, volume 53, number 2, pages 141-147, ISSN 0032-0862, 2004. |
Evaluation of resistance to yam mosaic virus (YMV), genus Potyvirus in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.), Odu, B., Asiedu, R., Hughes, J., Shoyinka, S.* and Oladiran, O., in: Field Crops Research, volume 89, pages 97-105, 2004. |
Reactions of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) genotypes to three viruses infecting yams, Odu, B., Hughes, J., Asiedu, R., Shoyinka, S.* and Oladiran, O., in: Root crops: the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceeding of the Eighth Triennial Syposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 516-521, 2003. |
Summary and survey of existing facilities for research and training in sub-Saharan Africa, Kimmins, F., Kenyon, L., Shoyinka, S.* and Hughes, J., in: Plant virology in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001, pages 569-574, 2003. |
Overview of viruses of legumes other than groundnut in Africa, Hughes, J. and Shoyinka, S.*, in: Plant Virology in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001., pages 553-568, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, 2003. |
An overview of viruses infecting Dioscorea yams in sub-Saharan Africa, Kenyon, L., Shoyinka, S.*, Hughes, J. and Odu, B., in: Plant virology in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001, pages 432-439, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2003. |
Potential of West African white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) genotypes as sources of resitance to yam mosaic virus (genus Potyvirus; family Potyviridae), Odu, B., Asiedu, R., Hughes, J., Shoyinka, S.* and Oladiran, A., 2001. |
Reactions of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) genotypes to three viruses infecting yams, Odu, B., Hughes, J., Asiedu, R., Shoyinka, S.* and Oladiran, O., in: Book of Abstracts of the Eighth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) - Africa Branch, 12-16 Nov, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2001. |
Strategy for strengthening plant virus research in sub-Saharan African agriculture, Hughes, J., Naidu, R.* and Shoyinka, S.*, pages 17-18, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2001. |
Yam viruses in Nigeria, Odu, B., Shoyinka, S.*, Hughes, J., Asiedu, R. and Oladiran, A., in: Root crops in the 21st century: proceedings of the 7th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), Cotonou, Benin, 11-17 October 1998, pages 631-633, ISTRC-AB; Government of Benin, 2001. |
Isolation, characterisation and identification of a potyvirus from Dioscorea alata L. (water yam) in Nigeria, Odu, B. O.*, Hughes, J., Shoyinka, S.* and Dongo, L., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 134, number 1, pages 65-71, ISSN 003-4746, 1999. |
Properties of a virus causing mosaic and leaf curl disease of Celosia argentea L. in Nigeria, Owolabi, T. A., Taiwo, G. A., Thottappilly, G., Shoyinka, S.*, Proll, E. and Rabenstein, F., in: Acta Virologica, volume 42, pages 133-139, 1998. |
Occurrence of Telfairia mosaic virus (TEMV) in fluted pumpkin in Nigeria, Shoyinka, S.* and Thottappilly, G., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 6, number 1, pages 69-78, ISSN 1021-9730, 1998. |
Survey on cowpea virus incidence and distribution in Nigeria, Shoyinka, S.*, Thottappilly, G., Adebayo, G. G. and Anno-Nyako, F. O.*, in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 43, pages 127-132, 1997. |
The occurrence, properties and affinities of telfairia mosaic virusa, a polyvirus prevalent in Telfeiria accidentail (Cucurbitaceae) in southwestern Nigeria, Shoyinka, S.*, Brunt, A. A., Phillips, S., Leseman, D. E., Thottappilly, G. and Lastra, R., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 119, pages 13-24, 1987. |
Inheritance of resistance to brown blotch, Septoria leaf spot and scrab in cowpea, Abadasi, J. A., Singh, B., Ladeinde, T. A. O.*, Shoyinka, S.* and Emechebe, A., in: Agronomy Abstracts, pages 47, 1985. |
General Guide For Cowpea Cultivation and Seed Production, Singh, B., Singh, S. R., Jackai, L. and Shoyinka, S.*, in: IITA, pages 16, 1985. |
Fungal and bacterial diseases of cowpeas in Africa, Emechebe, A. and Shoyinka, S.*, in: Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization edited by S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie, pages 173-192, 1985. |