Bailey, A.    

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Publications as Author


Do integrated arable farming systems provide a more sustainable form of agricultural production: the UK case, Park, J., Bailey, A., Keatinge, J., Rehman, T., Tranter, R. B. and Yates, C., in: Farm Management, volume 10, pages 379-391, 1999.
Towards a method for the economic evaluation of environmental indicators for UK integrated arable farming systems, Bailey, A., Rehman, T., Park, J., Keatinge, J. and Tranter, R. B., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 72, number 2, pages 145-156, ISSN 0167-8809, 1999.


Virulence characteristics of a new race of the parasitic angiosperm, Sriga gesnerioides, from southern Benin on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), Lane, J. A., Moore, T. H. M., Cardwell, K., Singh, B. and Bailey, A., in: Euphytica, volume 72, number 3, pages 183-188, 1994.