Yamoah, C. F.    

Firstname:C. F. 
Institute:790 Fairview Ave., 20912, #519 Takoma Park, MD, USA. 
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8 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Fertility characterization of soils at six research sites in NW Cameroon, Yamoah, C. F., Ngueguim, M.*, Ngong, C.*, Osiname, O. A. and Tambi, E., in: Fertilizer Research, volume 41, pages 49-57, ISSN 0167-1731, 1995. [DOI]


An analysis of factors associated with yields of climbing beans and Irish potatoes in the northern highlands of Rwanda, Burleigh, J. R., Yamoah, C. F., Regas, J. L. and Muskaruziga, C., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 41, number 3, pages 337-351, 1992.
Comparative study on the growth and productivity of Sesbania and leucaena in the Central Plateau region,Rewanda, Yamoah, C. F., Eylands, V. J. and Akyeampong, E., pages 179-186, 1992.
Correction of acid infertility of the Rwandan Oxiisols for sustainable croping with lime from an indegenous sourse, Yamoah, C. F., Burleigh, J. R. and Eylands, V. J., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 28, number 4, pages 417-424, 1992.


Nutrient contribution and maize performance in alley cropping systems, Yamoah, C. F., Agboola, A. A. and Wilson, G. F., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 4, number 3, pages 247-254, ISSN 0167-4366, 1986.
Decomposition, nitrogen release and weed control by prunings of selected alley cropping shrubs, Yamoah, C. F., Agboola, A. A. and Mulongoy, K., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 4, number 3, pages 239-246, ISSN 0167-4366, 1986.
Nutrient contribution and maize performance in alley cropping system, Yamoah, C. F., Agboola, A. A. and Wilson, G. F., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 4, number 3, pages 247-254, ISSN 0167-4366, 1986.


Decomposition and nitrogen contribution of prunings of selected legumes in alley cropping systems, Mulongoy, K., Yamoah, C. F. and Agboola, A. A., 1984.