Bowen, G. D.    

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Publications as Author


Field validation of intraspecific variation in phosphorus use efficiency and nitrogen fixation by provenances of Gliricidia sepium grown in low P soils, Sanginga, N., Danso, S. K. A.*, Zapata, F. and Bowen, G. D., in: Applied Soil Ecology, volume 1, pages 127-138, ISSN 0929-1393, 1994.


Biological nitrogen fixation in trees in agro-ecosystems, Danso, S. K. A.*, Bowen, G. D. and Sanginga, N., in: Plant and Soil, volume 141, number 1-2, pages 177-196, 1992.


Intraspecific variation in growth and P accumulation of Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium as influenced by soil phosphate status, Sanginga, N., Bowen, G. D. and Danso, S. K. A.*, in: Plant and Soil, volume 133, number 2, pages 201-208, 1991.


Influence of reference trees on N2-fixation estimates in Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia albicia using 15N_ labelling techniques, Sanginga, N., Danso, S. K. A.*, Zapata, F. and Bowen, G. D., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 9, pages 341-346, 1990.
Effect of successive cuttings on nodulation and nitrogen fixation of Leucaena leucocephala using 15N dilution and the difference methods, Sanginga, N., Zapata, F., Danso, S. K. A.* and Bowen, G. D., pages 667-674, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
Effect of successive cuttings on uptake and partitioning of 15N among plant parts of Leucaena leucocephala, Sanginga, N., Zapata, F., Danso, S. K. A.* and Bowen, G. D., in: Biology and Fertility of Soils, volume 9, pages 37-42, 1990.
Assessment of genetic variability for N2 fixation between and with provenance of Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia albida estimated by 15N labelling techniques, Sanginga, N., Bowen, G. D. and Danso, S. K. A.*, in: Plant and Soil, volume 127, pages 169-178, 1990.
Genetic variability in symbiotic nitrogen fixation within and between provenances of two Casuarina species using the 15N-labelling methods, Sanginga, N., Bowen, G. D. and Danso, S. K. A.*, in: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, volume 22, pages 539-547, 1990.


Nodulation and growth response of Allocasuarina and Casuarina species to phosphorus fertilization, Sanginga, N., Danso, S. K. A.* and Bowen, G. D., in: Plant and Soil, volume 118, pages 125-132, 1989.