Panis, B.    

Institute:Bioversity International, Katholieke University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 
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36 publications (0 read)

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Drying banana seeds for ex situ conservation, Kallow, S., Zuluaga, M. G., Sleziak, N., Nugraha, B., Mertens, A., Janssens, S., Gueco, L.*, Valle-Descalsota, M. L.*, Vu, T. D.*, Vu, D. T.*, Li, L. T.*, Vandelook, F., Dickie, J., Verboven, P., Swennen, R. and Panis, B., in: Conservation Physiology, volume 10, number 1: coab099, pages 1-16, ISSN 2051-1434, 2022. [DOI]
Diversity of Fusarium associated banana wilt in northern Viet Nam, Le Thi, L.*, Mertens, A., Vu, D. T.*, Vu, T. D.*, Anh Minh, P. L.*, Duc, H. N.*, de Backer, S., Swennen, R., Vandelook, F., Panis, B., Amalfi, M., Decock, C., Gomes, S. I. F., Merckx, V. S. F. and Janssens, S., in: MycoKeys, volume 87, pages 53-76, ISSN 1314-4057, 2022. [DOI]
Phylogeography and conservation gaps of Musa balbisiana Colla genetic diversity revealed by microsatellite markers, Mertens, A., Bawin, Y., Abeele, S. V., Kallow, S., Swennen, R., Vu, D. T.*, Vu, T. D.*, Minh, H. T.*, Panis, B., Vandelook, F. and Janssens, S., in: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, pages 1-20, ISSN 0925-9864, 2022. [DOI]
Tissue necrosis prevention during shoot multiplication of coconut, Wilms, H., De Bievre, D., Rosiers, E., Swennen, R., Rhee, J. and Panis, B., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1339, pages 173-180, ISSN 0567-7572, 2022. [DOI]


Genetic diversity and structure of Musa balbisiana populations in Vietnam and its implications for the conservation of banana crop wild relatives, Mertens, A., Bawin, Y., Abeele, S. V., Kallow, S., Vu, D. T.*, Le, L. T.*, Vu, T. D.*, Swennen, R., Vandelook, F., Panis, B. and Janssens, S., in: PloS ONE, volume 16, number 6: e0253255, pages 1-22, ISSN 1932-6203, 2021. [DOI]
Banana seed genetic resources for food security: status, constraints, and future priorities, Kallow, S., Mertens, A., Janssens, S., Vandelook, F., Dickie, J., Swennen, R. and Panis, B., in: Food and Energy Security, number : e345, pages 1-17, ISSN 2048-3694, 2021. [DOI]
Development of the first axillary in vitro shoot multiplication protocol for coconut palms, Wilms, H., De Bievre, D., Longin, K., Swennen, R., Rhee, J. and Panis, B., in: Scientific Reports, volume 11, number -: 18367, pages 1-10, ISSN 2045-2322, 2021. [DOI]
Conservation status assessment of banana crop wild relatives using species distribution modelling, Mertens, A., Swennen, R., Ronsted, N., Vandelook, F., Panis, B., Sachter-Smith, G., Vu, D. T.* and Janssens, S., in: Diversity and Distributions, pages 1-18, ISSN 1366-9516, 2021. [DOI]
Filling the gaps in gene banks: collecting, characterizing, and phenotyping wild banana relatives of Papua New Guinea, Eyland, D., Breton, C., Sardos, J., Kallow, S., Panis, B., Swennen, R., Paofa, J.*, Tardieu, F., Welcker, C., Janssens, S. and Carpentier, S. C., in: Crop Science, volume 61, number 1, pages 137-149, ISSN 0011-183X, 2021. [DOI]
Using seminatural and simulated habitats for seed germination ecology of banana wild relatives, Kallow, S., Quaghebeur, K., Panis, B., Janssens, S., Dickie, J., Gueco, L.*, Swennen, R. and Vandelook, F., in: Ecology and Evolution, pages 1-14, ISSN 2045-7758, 2021. [DOI]
Regulation of seed germination by diurnally alternating temperatures in disturbanceadapted banana crop wild relatives (Musa acuminata), Kallow, S., Davies, R., Panis, B., Janssens, S., Vandelook, F., Mertens, A., Swennen, R., Tahir, B. and Dickie, J., in: Seed Science Research, volume 30, number 4, pages 238-248, ISSN 0960-2585, 2021. [DOI]
Maximizing genetic representation in seed collections from populations of self and cross-pollinated banana wild relatives, Kallow, S., Panis, B., Vu, T. D.*, Vu, D. T.*, Paofa, J.*, Mertens, A., Swennen, R. and Janssens, S., in: BMC Plant Biology, volume 21, number -: 415, pages 1-14, ISSN 1471-2229, 2021. [DOI]


Challenges for ex Situ conservation of wild bananas: seeds collected in Papua new guinea have variable levels of desiccation tolerance, Kallow, S., Longin, K., Sleziak, N., Janssens, S., Vandelook, F., Dickie, J., Swennen, R., Paofa, J., Carpentier, S. C. and Panis, B., in: Plants, volume 9, number -: 1243, pages 1-21, ISSN 2223-7747, 2020. [DOI]
Physiological and structural aspects of in vitro somatic embryogenesis in Abies alba mill, Salaj, T., Klubicova, K., Panis, B., Swennen, R. and Salaj, J., in: Forests, volume 11, number 11: 1210, pages 1-15, ISSN 1999-4907, 2020. [DOI]
Strategies to revise agrosystems and breeding to control Fusarium wilt of banana, Zorrilla-Fontanesi, Y., Pauwels, L., Panis, B., Signorelli, S., Vanderschuren, H. and Swennen, R., in: Nature Food, volume 1, pages 599-604, ISSN 2662-1355, 2020. [DOI]


The cryoprotectant PVS2 plays a crucial role in germinating Passiflora ligularis embryos after cryopreservation by influencing the mobilization of lipids and the antioxidant metabolism, de Oliveira Prudente, D.*, Paiva, R.*, Domiciano, D.*, de Souza, L. B.*, Carpentier, S. C., Swennen, R., Silva, L. C.*, Nery, F. C.*, Maximo, W. P. F.* and Panis, B., in: Journal of Plant Physiology, volume 239, pages 71-82, ISSN 0176-1617, 2019. [DOI]


Characterization of the formation of somatic embryos from mature zygotic embryos of Passiflora ligularis Juss., de Oliveira Prudente, D.*, Paiva, R.*, Carpentier, S. C., Swennen, R., Nery, F. C.*, Silva, L. C.* and Panis, B., in: Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, pages 1-9, ISSN 0167-6857, 2017. [DOI]


In vitro culture of Annona emarginata: a rootstock for commercial annonaceae species, De Freitas, R. T.*, Paiva, R.*, Campos, N. A., Silva, L. C.*, Swennen, R. and Panis, B., in: Plant Cell Culture & Micropropagation, volume 12, number 1, pages 1-6, ISSN 1808-9909, 2016.
Abiotic stress research in crops using -omics approaches: drought stress and banana in the spotlight, Kissel, E., Vanhove, A., Garcia, S., Panis, B., Rouard, M., Cenci, A., Roux, N., Zorrilla, J., Swennen, R. and Carpentier, S. C., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 1114, pages 81-90, ISSN 0567-7572, 2016. [DOI]


Cryopreservation of Bituminaria bituminosa varieties and hybrids, Gisbert, C., Dabauza, M., Correal, E., Swennen, R. and Panis, B., in: Cryobiology, volume 71, pages 279-285, ISSN 0011-2240, 2015. [DOI]
Improved cryopreservation method for the long-term conservation of the world potato germplasm collection, Panta, A., Panis, B., Ynouye, C.*, Swennen, R., Roca, W., Tay, D. and Ellis, D., in: Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, volume 120, number 1, pages 117-125, ISSN 0167-6857, 2015. [DOI]
Unravelling the effect of sucrose and cold pretreatment on cryopreservation of potato through sugar analysis and proteomics, Folgado, R., Panis, B., Sergeant, K., Renaut, J., Swennen, R. and Hausman, J. F., in: Cryobiology, volume 71, number 3, pages 432-441, ISSN 0011-2240, 2015. [DOI]


Changes in sugar content and proteome of potato in response to cold and dehydration stress and their implications for cryopreservation, Folgado, R., Sergeant, K., Renaut, J., Swennen, R., Hausman, J. F. and Panis, B., in: Journal of Proteomics, volume 98, pages 99-111, ISSN 1874-3919, 2014. [DOI]
Development of a PVS2 droplet vitrification method for potato cryopreservation, Panta, A., Panis, B., Ynouye, C., Swennen, R. and Roca, W., in: CryoLetters, volume 35, number 3, pages 255-266, ISSN 0143-2044, 2014.
Evaluation of four different strategies to characterize plasma membrane proteins from banana roots, Garcia, L., Panis, B., Swennen, R. and Carpentier, S. C., in: Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, volume 38, number 5, pages 424-434, ISSN 1413-7054, 2014.


Genetic transformation in Musa species (Banana), Sagi, L., Remy, S., Verelst, B., Swennen, R.+ and Panis, B., in: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, volume 34, pages 214-227, 1995.
Transient gene expression in transformed banana (Musa cv. Bluggoe) protoplasts and embryogenic cell suspensions, Sagi, L., Remy, S., Verelst, B., Panis, B., Cammue, B. P. A., Volckaert, G. and Swennen, R.+, in: Euphytica, volume 85, pages 89-95, 1995.
Genetic transformation of banana and plantain (Musa spp.) via particle bombardment, Sagi, L., Panis, B., Remy, S., Schoofs, H., De Smet, K., Swennen, R.+ and Cammue, B. P. A., in: Nature Biotechnology, volume 13, pages 481-485, 1995.
Cryopreservation of germplasm of banana and plantain, Panis, B. and Swennen, R.+, in: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, volume 32, pages 381-397, 1995.


Transient gene expression in electroporated banana (Musa spp., cv. Bluggoe, ABB group) protoplasts isolated from regenerable embryogenic cell suspensions, Sagi, L., Remy, S., Verelst, B., Panis, B., Swennen, R.+ and Volckaert, G., in: Plant Cell Reports, volume 13, pages 262-266, 1994.
Improvement of bananas for black sigatoka and Panama disease resistance through genetic manipulation, De Smet, K., Panis, B., Sagi, L., Cammue, B. P. A. and Swennen, R.+, in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 2, number 1, pages 1-7, ISSN 1021-9730, 1994.
Regeneration of plants from protoplasts of Musa species (banana), Panis, B., Sagi, L. and Swennen, R.+, in: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, volume 29, pages 102-114, 1994.


Plant regeneration through direct somatic embryogenesis from protoplasts of banana (Musa spp.), Panis, B., Van Wauwe, A. and Swennen, R.+, in: Plant Cell Reports, volume 12, pages 403-407, 1993.


The applicability of embryogenic cell suspension cultures from vegetative tissues to different banana varieties, Dhed'a, D., Panis, B., Swennen, R.+ and Vuylsteke, D., in: Banana Newsletter, volume 15, pages 43-44, 1992.
Freeze-preservation of embryogenic Musa suspension cultures, Panis, B., Dhed'a, D. and Swennen, R.+, pages 183-195, Academic Press Inc., ISBN 978-0120441402, 1992.


Plant regeneration in cell suspension cultures of the cooking banana cv 'Bluggoe' (Musa spp. ABB group), Dhed'a, D., Dumortier, F., Panis, B., Vuylsteke, D. and De Langhe, E., in: Fruits, volume 46, number 2, pages 125-135, 1991.