Looking back and moving forward: 50 years of soil and soil fertility management research in sub-Saharan Africa, Vanlauwe, B., Abdelgadir, A. H., Adewopo, J., Adjei-Nsiah, S., Ampadu-Boakye, T., Asare, R., Baijukya, F., Baars, E., Bekunda, M., Coyne, D., Dianda, M., Dontsop-Nguezet, P., Ebanyat, P., Hauser, S., Huising, J. E., Jalloh, A., Jassogne, L., Kamai, N., Kamara, A., Kanampiu, F., Kehbila, A. G., Kintche, K., Kreye, C., Larbi, A., Masso, C., Matungulu, K. P., Mohammed, I. B., Nabahungu, N. L., Nielsen, F., Nziguheba, G., Pypers, P ., Roobroeck, D., Schut, M., Taulya, G., Thuita, M., Uzokwe, V. N. E., Van Asten, P., Wairegi, L., Yemefack, M. and Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, pages 613-631, ISSN 1473-5903, 2017. [DOI] |
A field guide for on-farm experimentation, Mutsaers, H. J. W., Weber, G., Walker, P. and Fischer, N., IITA; CTA; ISNAR, 1997. |
Pioneer woody species in Leucaena leucocephala and senna siamea hedgerows in a forest ecoysystem in southern Nigeria, Akinnifesi, F. K., Mutsaers, H. J. W. and Tijani-Eniola, H., in: Alley farming research and development: proceedings of an international conference on alley farming, 14-18 September 1992. 1995., pages 236-243, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
The maize and cassava production system in southwest Nigeria and the effect of improved technology; on-farm trials in Alabata and Ayepe, 1985-1989: RCMP Research monograph, No. 18, Mutsaers, H. J. W., Adekunle, A., Walker, P. and Palada, M. C., RCMP Research monograph, No. 18, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
Cassava-based intercropping: a review, Mutsaers, H. J. W., Ezumah, H. C. and Osiru, D.*, in: Field Crops Research, volume 34, number 3-4, pages 431-457, ISSN 0378-4290, 1993. |
An exploratory survey of soybean production in Ayepe, Nigeria, Baten, M. A., Agboola, A. A. and Mutsaers, H. J. W., pages 333-342, John Wiley; Sayce; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); AABNF, 1992. |
Root and tuber crop breeders and cropping systems researchers join forces, Dixon, A., Mutsaers, H. J. W. and Asiedu, R., in: Tropical Root and Tuber Crops Bulletin, volume 6, number 2, pages 7, ISSN 1116-3984, 1992. |
Opportunities for second cropping in southwestern Nigeria: RCMP Research monograph, No. 4, Mutsaers, H. J. W., RCMP Research monograph, No. 4, 1991. |
Farmer-related variables in on-farm trials: their measurement and use in statistical analyses, Mutsaers, H. J. W., pages 46-52, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
The need for simple dynamic equations to describe plant competition, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Annals of Botany, volume 68, pages 401-403, 1991. |
Opportunities for second cropping in southwestern Nigeria; trials and farmer tests with maize, soybeans and cowpeas in Alabata and Ayepe (1985-1989): RCMP research monograph, No. 4, Mutsaers, H. J. W., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
On-farm research in theory and practice, Mutsaers, H. J. W. and Walker, P., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
On-farm research in theory and practice: proceedings of a workshop on design and analysis of on-farm trials 27 February to 3 March 1989, Mutsaers, H. J. W. and Walker, P., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
On-farm research, Ezumah, H. C. and Mutsaers, H. J. W., pages 139-167, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1990. |
Farmers' maize yields in S.W. Nigeria and the effect of variety and fertilizer: An analysis of variability in on-farm trials, Mutsaers, H. J. W. and Walker, P., in: Field Crops Research, volume 23, pages 265-278, 1990. |
Economic returns of alley farming, Vogel, W. O. and Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Alley farming in the humid and subhumid tropics, proceedings edited by B.T. Kang; L. Reynolds, pages 197-207, IDRC, 1989. |
A dynamic equation for plant interaction and application to yield-density-time relations, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Annals of Botany, volume 65, pages 521-531, 1989. |
On-farm research: de tropenboer herontdekt, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Landbouwkundig Tijdschrift, volume 101, number 6-7, pages 21, 1989. |
Nigeria adopts improved cassava varieties bred at IITA, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: IITA Research Briefs, volume 9, number 1, 1989. |
On-farm research: a necessary tool in the development of innovations, Mutsaers, H. J. W. and Spencer, D., in: Entwicklung und Landlicher Raum, volume 3, pages 88, 1988. |
A field guide for on-farm research with special reference to improvement of cropping systems and techniques in West and Central Africa, Mutsaers, H. J. W., Fisher, M. N.*, Vogel, W. O. and Palada, M. C., 1986. |
IITA's on-farm/farming systems research program, Mutsaers, H. J. W., Palada, M. C. and Vogel, W.A., in: West African Farming Syetems Research Network Bulleting, number 1, pages 4-5, 1986. |
On-farm research models and their implementation in some African countries, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: West African Farming Systems Research Network Bulleting, number 2, pages 22-26, 1986. |
Report on Exploratory survey of Ijaiye-Imini Pilot Research Area,Oyo State; Nigeria, Palada, M. C., Vogel, W. O. and Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: OFR Bulleting, number 2, pages 56, 1985. |
National program scientists taking research one step closer to farmers, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: IITA Research Briefs, volume 5, number 4, pages 17, 1984. |
Guidelines for the initial assessment of farming systems, Mutsaers, H. J. W., 1984. |
On-farm trials, an overview, Mutsaers, H. J. W., 1984. |
Concepts of on-farm adaptive research, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Paper presented at the First Workshop of the on-farm Research in Ivory Coast Project, pages 15-17, 1983. |
Technology testing and monitoring in farming systems research: the preparation of on-farm experimentation, Ay, P., Reid, P., Yusef Isola, , Adewoye, E., Atkins, S.L. and Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Paper presented at National Workshop on Farming Systems research , 30 July-1 August 1982, NIFOR, Benin City, 1982. |
Institutional linkage in farming systems research, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Paper presented at National Farming System Research Training Workshop, 30 July -4 August 1982, 1982. |
Aims, structure and organization of a West African FSR network: some element for discussion, Mutsaers, H. J. W., in: Paper presented at 1st WAFSRN Workshop, 15-19 November 1982, 1982. |