Monti, L. M.
13 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
1997 |
Oppotunities for biotechnology in cowpea, Monti, L. M., Murdock, L. L. and Thottappilly, G., pages 283-292, chapter 30, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), 1997. | 1990 |
II "Fagiolino dall'occhio" (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.): Diffusione e prospettive in Italia e nell mondo, Perrino, P., Laghetti, G., Padulosi, S., Monti, L. M., Scarascia, G. and Mugnozza, T., in: Agricultura e Ricerca, volume 102, pages 23, 1990. | |
Cowpea genetic resources, Ng, N. Q. and Monti, L. M., 1990. | 1987 |
Cowpea germplasm in southern Italy, Padulosi, S., Cifarelli, S., Monti, L. M. and Perrino, P., in: FAO/IBPGR Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, number 71, pages -37 p., 1987. |
Publications as Editor
1992 |
Cytogenetics and crop improvement, Bai, K. V. and Hahn, S. K., pages 81-88, CTA; Intenational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. | |
Status of wide crosses in cassava and yam, Asiedu, R., Bai, K. V., Terauchi, R., Dixon, A. and Hahn, S. K., pages 63-68, CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. | |
Analysis of the need for biotechnology research on cassava, yam, and plantain, Asiedu, R., Ng, S. Y. C., Vuylsteke, D., Terauchi, R. and Hahn, S. K., pages 27-32, CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. | |
Wide crosses of Vigna food legumes, Ng, N. Q., pages 75-80, CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. | |
Constraints in the accessibility and use of germplasmcollections, Ng, N. Q. and Padulosi, S., pages 45-50, CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. | |
Biotechnological approaches to plantain and banana improvement, 1992. | |
Contraints in food and nutrition research, Bokanga, M., pages 33-38, CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. | |
Isozyme analysis and its application in plant breeding, Asiedu, R., pages 261-265, CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. | 1987 |
Evaluation and Selection of Maize for drought resistance in the Sudan savanna of West Africa, Diallo, A.* and Rodriguez, M. S., in: In: Drought Resistance in Plants, Proceedings of the Commission of the European community meeting held in Amalfi, Italy, Oct 20-23, 1986, pages 349-370, 1987. |
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