Opuwaribo, E. E.    

Firstname:E. E. 

4 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


N-mineralization of roots of maize and selected woody species, Risasi, E. L., Tian, G., Kang, B. and Opuwaribo, E. E., in: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, volume 30, pages 1431-1437, 1999.


Root decomposition, nitrogen release and effects on maize performance, Risasi, E. L., Tian, G., Kang, B. and Opuwaribo, E. E., pages 129-137, CAB International, 1998.
Assessment of N availability of roots of selected woody species and maize, Risasi, E. L., Kang, B. and Opuwaribo, E. E., in: Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, volume 16, number 1, pages 87-96, ISSN 0144-8765, 1998.


Effect of root size on root nutrient concentrations of four woody trees and maize, Risasi, E. L., Tian, G., Opuwaribo, E. E. and Kang, B., in: Forest, Farm and Community Tree Research Report, volume 2, pages 13-17, 1997.