Winslow, M. D.
9 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
2010 |
Effect of relative humidity and temperature on pupal survival of tephritid fruit flies and relevance to predicting their geographic distribution, Hanna, R., Winslow, M. D. and Gnanvossou, D., Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, California, 12-16 December, 2010. | 2009 |
Response of rice breeding lines to N-fertilizer application, Ajala, S., Masajo, T.M. and Winslow, M. D., in: Nigerian Journal of Genetics, volume 21 & 22, pages 94-105, 2009. | 1992 |
Silicon, disease resistance, and yield of rice genotypes under upland cultural conditions, Winslow, M. D., in: Crop Science, volume 32, number 5, pages 1208-1213, ISSN 0011-183X, 1992. | 1991 |
Comparison of standard evaluation system and Onate's method in assessing stalk-eyed fly resistance, Joshi, R. C., Winslow, M. D. and Ukwungwu, M. N.*, in: International Rice Research Newsletter, volume 16, number 2, pages 14, 1991. | |
Progress in breeding maize for Striga tolerance/resistance at IITA, Kim, S. K. and Winslow, M. D., in: Proceedings, Fifth International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, 24-30 Jun 1991 Nairobi Kenya, edited by J. K. Ransom, L.J. Musselman, A.D. Worsham, and C. Parker, pages 494-499, The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 1991. | |
Rice research on the acid upland soils of West Africa, Winslow, M. D., in: Rice production on acid soils of the tropics, edited by P. Deturck and F.N. Ponnamperuma. Proceedings of an International Symposium, 26-30 Jun 1989, pages 107-112, Institute of Fundamental Studies, 1991. | 1989 |
Reducing iron toxicity in rice with resistant genotype and ridge planting, Winslow, M. D., Yamauchi, M., Alluri, F. M. and Masajo, T.M., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 81, pages 458-460, ISSN 0002-1962, 1989. | 1987 |
Physicochemical properties of discolored grains, Navasero, E. P. and Winslow, M. D., in: International Rice Research Newsletter, volume 12, pages 13-14, 1987. |
Publications as Editor
1997 |
Striga research methods: a manual, IITA, , 1997. |
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