Osho, S. M.*    

Firstname:S. M.* 
Institute:Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IAR&T), Ibadan, Nigeria 
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Publications as Author


Tofu recipes: introducing tofu (soy cheese) into traditional African foods, Nakayama, O. and Osho, S. M.*, Pamphlet, 1996.


Methods ofor the dissemination of food processing technologies: the soybean example in Nigeria, Osho, S. M.*, in: Cassava safety: proceedings of the International Workshop on Cassava Safety, 1-4 March 1994, Ibadan Nigeria, pages 385-391, International Society of Horticultural Science, 1994.


Soymilk yield and quality as affected by soybean varieties and processing techniques, Ogundipe, H. O., Dashiell, K. and Osho, S. M.*, in: Tropical Grain Legume Bulletin, volume 36, pages 12-14, 1989.