Menyonga, J. M.    

Firstname:J. M. 

3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Editor


Spread of new soybean varieties in a traditional soybean growing area of Nigeria, Manyong, V., Dashiell, K., Oyewole, B. and Blahut, G., in: Towards sustainable farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of the second international symposium of the African Association of Farming Systems Research, Extension and Training (AAFSRET), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 21–23 August 1996, pages 151-162, AAFSRET, 1998.
Towards integrated soil fertility: experiences from southern Mali, Defoer, T., Kante, S., Hilhorst, T. and De Groote, H., in: Towards sustainable farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the African Association of Farming Systems Research-Extension and Training (AAFSRET), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 21–23 August 98, pages 27-48, African Association of Farming Systems Research-Extension and Training (AAFSRET), 1998.


Breeding for Striga hemonthica tolerant open-pollinated maize varieties in Africa, Kim, S. K., in: Progress in food grain research and production in semi-arid Africa: proceedings of SAFGRAD Inter-Network Conference, Niamey, Niger, 7-14 March 1991, Niamey, Niger, pages 263-273, OAU; STRC; SAFGRAD, 1994.