Yallou, C.*    

Institute:Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Benin, Cotonou, Republic of Benin 
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19 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Yield gains in extra-early maize cultivars of three breeding eras under multiple environments, Badu-Apraku, B., Yallou, C.*, Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Alidu, H.*, Talabi, A. O., Annor, B.*, Oyekunle, M.*, Akaogu, I. C. and Aderounmu, M., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 109, pages 1-14, ISSN 0002-1962, 2017. [DOI]


Comparative performance of top-cross maize hybrids under managed drought stress and variable rainfed environments, Menkir, A., Crossa, J., Meseka, S. K., Bossey, B., Ado, S. G.*, Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Yallou, C.*, Coulibaly, N.*, Olaoye, G.* and Alidu, H.*, in: Euphytica, volume 212, number 3, pages 455-472, ISSN 0014-2336, 2016. [DOI]
Genetic improvement of extra-early maize cultivars for grain yield and Striga resistance during three breeding eras, Badu-Apraku, B., Yallou, C.*, Haruna, A.*, Talabi, A. O., Akaogu, I. C., Annor, B. and Adeoti, A., in: Crop Science, pages 1-40, ISSN 0011-183X, 2016. [DOI]


Genetic gains in grain yield of extra-early maturing maize cultivars of three breeding eras under multiple stress environments, Badu-Apraku, B., Talabi, A., Fakorede, M.*, Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Yallou, C.* and Haruna, A.*, 2015.
Consistency of performance of early-maturing maize cultivars in Striga infested and Striga-free environments, Badu-Apraku, B., Yallou, C.*, Oyekunle, M., Akinwale, R.*, Aweke, G. and Kamara, A., in: Canadian Journal of Plant Science, pages 1-35, ISSN 0008-4220, 2015.


Contribution des femmes a l'adoption des varietes de mais tolerantes a la secheresse au Nord Benin, Baco, M. N.*, Affoukouk, T.*, Moumouni, I.*, Yallou, C.* and Abdoulaye, T., in: Science et technique, Lettres, Sciences sociales et humaines: Special hors serie, volume 1, pages 99-108, 2014.
Gains in grain yield of early maize cultivars developed during three breeding eras under multiple environments, Badu-Apraku, B., Fakorede, M.*, Oyekunle, M., Yallou, C.*, Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Haruna, A.*, Usman, I. and Akinwale, R.*, in: Crop Science, pages 1-39, ISSN 0011-183X, 2014. [DOI]


Assessing the representativeness and repeatability of testing sites for drought-tolerant maize in West Africa, Badu-Apraku, B., Akinwale, R.*, Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Haruna, A.*, Kanton, R.*, Ado, S. G.*, Coulibaly, N.*, Yallou, C.* and Oyekunle, M., in: Canadian Journal of Plant Science, volume 93, number 4, pages 699-714, ISSN 0008-4220, 2013.
Comparative performance of early maturing maize cultivars developed in three Eras under drought stress and well-watered environments in West Africa, Badu-Apraku, B., Oyekunle, M., Menkir, A., Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Yallou, C.*, Usuman, I.* and Alidu, H.*, in: Crop Science, pages 1-43, ISSN 0011-183X, 2013. [DOI]
Genetic gains from selection for high grain yield and Striga resistance in early maturing maize cultivars of three breeding periods under Stiga-infested and Striga-free environments, Badu-Apraku, B., Yallou, C.* and Oyekunle, M., in: Field Crops Research, volume 147, pages 54-67, ISSN 0378-4290, 2013.


Use of GGE biplot for targeting early maturing maize cultivars to mega-environments in West Africa, Badu-Apraku, B., Akinwale, R., Menkir, A., Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Osuman, A.*, Coulibaly, N.*, Onyibe, J. E.*, Yallou, C.*, Abdulai, M. S.* and Didjera, A.*, in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 19, number 2, pages 79-96, ISSN 1021-9730, 2011.
Performance of extra-early maize cultivars based on GGE biplot and AMMI analysis, Badu-Apraku, B., Oyekunle, M., Obeng-Antwi, K.*, Osuman, A.*, Ado, S. G.*, Coulibaly, N.*, Yallou, C.*, Abdulai, M. S.*, Boakyewaa, G. A.* and Didjeira, A.*, in: Journal of Agricultural Science, pages 1-11, 2011. [DOI]


Registration of Striga-resistant tropical extra-early maize population, Badu-Apraku, B., Ewool, M.* and Yallou, C.*, in: Journal of Plant Registrations, volume 4, number 1, pages 60-66, ISSN 1940-3496, 2010.
Relationship of genetic diversity of inbred lines with different reactions to Striga hermonthica (Del.) benth and the performance of their crosses, Menkir, A., Adetimirin, V.*, Yallou, C.* and Gedil, M., in: Crop Science, volume 50, pages 602-611, ISSN 0011-183X, 2010. [DOI]


Registration of Striga-resistant and Drought-tolerant tropical early maize populations TZE-W Pop DT STR C4 and TZE-Y Pop DT STR C4, Badu-Apraku, B. and Yallou, C.*, in: Journal of Plant Registrations, volume 3, number 1, pages 86-90, ISSN 1940-3496, 2009. [DOI]
Combining ability of maize inbred lines containing genes from Zea diploperennis for resistance to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth, Yallou, C.*, Menkir, A., Adetimirin, V.* and Kling, J., in: Plant Breeding, volume 128, number 2, pages 143-148, ISSN 0179-9541, 2009. [DOI]


Breeding maize for broad-based resistance to Striga hermonthica, Menkir, A., Badu-Apraku, B., Yallou, C.*, Kamara, A. and Ejeta, G., pages 99-114, World Scientific Publishing, 2007.
Combining ability of diverse maize inbred lines under Striga infestation in Nigeria and Benin, Yallou, C.*, Menkir, A., Adetimirin, V.* and Kling, J., in: Demand-driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa: proceedings of the Fifth biennial Regional Maize Workshop, 3-6 May 2005, IITA- Cotonou, Benin Republic, pages 64-78, 2007.


Use of inbreeding as a tool to improve resistance to Striga in maize, Menkir, A., Kling, J., Badu-Apraku, B., Yallou, C.* and Ibikunle, O., in: Proceedings of the 8th International Parasitic Weeds Symposium in collaboration with the 4th International Weed Science Congress, 24-25 June 2004, Durban, South Africa, 2004.