Ibekwe, G. O.    

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11 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Large-scale library automation: an African success story, Lawani, S. M., Azubuike, A. A. and Ibekwe, G. O., in: African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, volume 2, number 1, pages 1-16, ISSN 0795-4778, 1992.


Le mais: publications en language francaise disponibles a la bibliotheque, Ibekwe, G. O., in: de l'IITA, pages 244, 1986.


Review of "Nigeria Periodicals Directory" by C.N.C Asomugha, ABIC Publishers, Ibekwe, G. O., pages 951-952, 1985.


Problems of large scale indexing and the application of automated solutions, Ibekwe, G. O., 1984.
Information exchange for African agricultural research, Ibekwe, G. O., 1984.


LIbraries in Oyo State: still hoping for the best, Ibekwe, G. O., in: Library Forum, volume 1, number 1, pages 4-8, 1982.
Repertoire des periodiques en langue francaise recus a la bibliotheque Bibliotheque et Center de Documentation.ii., Ibekwe, G. O., IITA. Ibadan, 1982.
The role of the library in the agricultural sector of a nations economy, Ibekwe, G. O., in: Paper presented at symposium Oyo State Division of the Nigeria Library Association on "The Library in the Economy of a Nation" 12 October 1982, 1982.


Sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.), Ibekwe, G. O., Information series No. 6, International Institute of Tropical agriculture (IITA), 1979.


IITA Library catalog of periodicals, Ibekwe, G. O. and Nwajei, E. F., 1978.
Cassava Bacterial Blight: Abstracts of Literature. 102 p, Ibekwe, G. O., 1978.