Ogunbodede, B. A.*    

Firstname:B. A.* 
Institute:IAR&T, Moore Plantation, Ibadan 
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2 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Two extra-early maturing white maize hybrids released in Nigeria, Badu-Apraku, B., Olakojo, S. A.*, Olaoye, G.*, Oyekunle, M., Fakorede, M.*, Ogunbodede, B. A.* and Aladele, S.*, in: R4D Review, volume 10, pages 10-16, ISSN 2071-3681, 2013.

Publications as Editor


Analysis of newly developed white yam genotypes in a multi-environment trial using genotype main effect and genotype-by-environment (GGE Biplot) model, Nwachukwu, E. C., Ikeorgu, J.* and Asiedu, R., in: Genetics, food sufficiency and economic empowerment in Nigeria; proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 6-9, 2006, pages 24-28, 2006.