Kanno, H.    

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Publications as Author


Host plant resistance of cassava green spider mite (CGM) (Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar) at IITA, Kanno, H., Dixon, A., Asiedu, R. and Hahn, S. K., in: The role of root crops in regional food security and sustainable agriculture. Proceedings, Fourth Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Root and Tuber Crops, Mansa, Zambia, 29 Oct to 2 Nov 1990, edited by M.N. Alvarez and R. Asiedu, pages 103-106, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991.
Breeding for host plant resistance of cassava green spider mite (CGM) (Mononychellus tanajoa, Bondar) at IITA, Kanno, H., Dixon, A., Asiedu, R. and Hahn, S. K., in: The role of root crops in regional food security and sustainable agriculture: proceedings of the Fourth Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Root Crops Workshop, 29 Oct - 2 Nov. 1990, Mansa, Zambia, pages 99-102, 1991.