Kanno, H.
2 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
1991 |
Host plant resistance of cassava green spider mite (CGM) (Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar) at IITA, Kanno, H., Dixon, A., Asiedu, R. and Hahn, S. K., in: The role of root crops in regional food security and sustainable agriculture. Proceedings, Fourth Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Root and Tuber Crops, Mansa, Zambia, 29 Oct to 2 Nov 1990, edited by M.N. Alvarez and R. Asiedu, pages 103-106, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. | |
Breeding for host plant resistance of cassava green spider mite (CGM) (Mononychellus tanajoa, Bondar) at IITA, Kanno, H., Dixon, A., Asiedu, R. and Hahn, S. K., in: The role of root crops in regional food security and sustainable agriculture: proceedings of the Fourth Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Root Crops Workshop, 29 Oct - 2 Nov. 1990, Mansa, Zambia, pages 99-102, 1991. |
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