Nebane, C. L. N.*    

Firstname:C. L. N.* 
Institute:Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Buea, P O Box 63, Buea, Cameroon 

3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Management of cowpea flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti (Thysanoptera, thripidae), in Cameroon, Ngakou, A.*, Tamo, M., Parh *, I., Nwaga, D.*, Ntonifor, N., Korie, S. and Nebane, C. L. N.*, in: Crop Protection, volume 27, pages 481-488, 2008.


Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), rhizobia and Metarhizium anisopliae to cowpea production in Cameroon, Ngakou, A.*, Nwaga, D.*, Ntonifor, N., Tamo, M., Nebane, C. L. N.* and Parh *, I., in: International Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 2, number 9, pages 754-764, 2007.
Arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobia and Metarhizium anisopliae enhance P, N, Mg, K and Ca accumulatons in fields grown cowpea, Ngakou, A.*, Nwaga, D.*, Nebane, C. L. N.*, Ntonifor, N., Tamo, M. and Parh *, I., in: Journal of Plant Sciences, volume 2, number 5, pages 518-529, 2007.