
Type of publication:Inproceedings
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TitleDetermination of the most effective method for the production of polyclonal antibodies against African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), Genus Begomovirus
Bibtex cite IDAKINBADE:2007a
Booktitle 34th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection, theme: Plant Protection Challenges in the 21st Century. 17-21 September 2007, Nasarwa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Year published 2007
Month September
Pages 15-16
Note RTB; Root and Tuber; Cassava.; In Abstracts and Program of the 34th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society of Plant Protection, theme: Plant Protection Challenges in the 21st Century. 17-21 September 2007, Nasarwa State University, Keffi, Nigeria pages 15-16
Peer Reviewed? Yes
In Thomson Index? No
Developing Country Author? Yes
Make Attachment Public? FALSE
Akinbade, S.
Ayo-John, E.*
Kumar, P. L.
Oben, T.
Total mark: 5

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