Chiezey, U. F.    

Firstname:U. F. 
Institute:Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 
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Publications as Author


Agronomic responses of diverse cowpea cultivars to planting date and cropping system, Ewansiha, S. U.*, Kamara, A., Chiezey, U. F. and Onyibe, J. E.*, in: Tropical Agriculture, volume 91, number 2, pages 116-130, ISSN 0041-3216, 2014.


Morpho-phenological variation in Lablab purpureus, Ewansiha, S. U., Chiezey, U. F., Tarawali, S. and Iwuafor, E.*, in: Tropical Grasslands, volume 41, pages 277-284, 2007.