Maurya, P. R.    

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8 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Tillage systems for the West African semi-arid tropics, Hulugalle, N. and Maurya, P. R., in: Soil and Tillage Research, volume 20, number 2-4, pages 187-199, 1991.


Root Growth of Some Tropical Crops in Uniform Soil Columns, Lal, R. and Maurya, P. R., in: Plant and Soil, volume 68, pages 193-206, 1982.


Effect of water table depth and tillage methods on plant-water status and yield of rice, Maurya, P. R. and Lal, R., in: Plant and Soil, volume 59, pages 17-22, 1981.
Effect of different mulch materials on soil properties and on the root growth and yield of maize and cowpea, Maurya, P. R. and Lal, R., in: Field Crops Research, volume 4, pages 33-45, 1981.


Effects of no-tillage and ploughing on roots of maize and leguminous crops, Lal, R. and Maurya, P. R., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 16, pages 185-193, 1980.


Influence of water table depth and soil properties on plant-water relations of rice, Maurya, P. R. and Lal, R., 1979.


Effects of no-tillage and ploughing on efficiency of water use in maize and cowpea, Lal, R., Maurya, P. R. and Osei-Yeboah, S., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 14, pages 113-120, ISSN 0014-4797, 1978.


Effect of gravel concentration, Inter-Gravel density and soil moisture regime on radical elongation, Maurya, P. R. and Lal, R., in: In "Role of soil physical properties in maintaining productivity of tropical soil," held at IITA Ibadan, 1977. [DOI]