Azubuike, A. A.    

Firstname:A. A. 

6 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Education and training in library automation in Africa: IITA's contributions, Adedigba, Y., Azubuike, A. A., Ubogu, F. N. and Adeniran, O. R., in: African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, volume 5, number 1, pages 55-64, ISSN 0795-4778, 1995.


Large-scale library automation: an African success story, Lawani, S. M., Azubuike, A. A. and Ibekwe, G. O., in: African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, volume 2, number 1, pages 1-16, ISSN 0795-4778, 1992.


Document subject matrix as a factor of precision in computerized information systems, Azubuike, A. A., in: IAALD Quarterly Bulletin, volume 35, number 2, pages 81-85, 1990.
The reference services of a research library, Azubuike, A. A. and Greaves, M. A., in: International Library Review, volume 21, number 3, pages 337-346, 1990.


Systems analysis imperatives for computer catalogue design, Azubuike, A. A., in: Libri, volume 39, number 3, pages 237-250, 1989.


A preliminary investigation into the mortality rate of Nigerian learned journals, Azubuike, A. A., Adeyomoye, J. I. and Okojie, V. O., in: Nigerian Periodicals Review, volume 1, number 2, pages 3-9, 1987.