Onjo, M.    

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11 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Mini tuber production of white yam (D. rotundata) using vine cutting, Kikuno, H ., Muamba, K., Shiwachi, H ., Onjo, M. and Asiedu, R., in: 99th meeting of the Japanese Society Tropical Agriculture, Tsukuba, Japan, pages 41-42, 2006.


Effect of N-Propyl Dihydrojasmonate (Pdj) on in vitro growth of yam (Dioscorea spp.) explants, Kikuno, H ., Oladimeji, Z., Ebuehi, Z., Ebuehi, A., Shiwachi, H ., Onjo, M. and Asiedu, R., in: Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, volume 49, number 2, pages 59-60, ISSN 0021-5260, 2005.
Effect of Ethephone and storage temperature on tuber sprouting in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Shiwachi, H ., Kikuno, H ., Asiedu, R., Onjo, M. and Toyohara, H., in: Journal of ISSAAS, volume 11, number 1, pages 36-43, 2005.


Influence of explant condition on microtuberization of yams (Dioscorea alata and D. rotundata), Kikuno, H ., Shiwachi, H ., Onjo, M. and Asiedu, R., in: Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture, volume 48, number 2, pages 71-72, 2004.


Induction of sprouting in dormant yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers with inhibitors of gibberellins, Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T., Asiedu, R. and Onjo, M., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 39, number 2, pages 209-217, ISSN 0014-4797, 2003.
Influence of exogenous gibberellins inhibitors on tuber sprouting in yam, Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T., Asiedu, R. and Onjo, M., in: Tropical Science, volume 43, number 3, pages 147-151, ISSN 0041-3291, 2003.
Induction of germination in dormant yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers with inhibitors of gibberellins, Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T., Asiedu, R. and Onjo, M., in: Paper presented at: The 8th symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003.
Classification of water yam (Dioscorea alata) landraces by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), Ichitani, K., Onjo, M. and Shiwachi, H ., in: Paper presented at the 104th Conference of the Japanese Society of Breeding, March, 2003.
Relationship between dormancy and its release and external factors in tubers of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.), Park, B., Onjo, M., Tominaga, s., Shiwachi, H . and Hayashi, M., in: Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, volume 47, pages 42-50, 2003.
Possibility of early-season culture of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) in Yaku island, Onjo, M., Shiwachi, H . and Hayashi, M., in: Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands Occasional Papers, volume 38, pages 43-46, 2003.
Distinction of mixed yam strains (Dioscorea alata L.) cultivated in Yaku Island, Onjo, M., Matsuo, T., Hakariya, S., Shiwachi, H . and Hayashi, M., in: Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands Occasional Papers, volume 38, pages 37-41, 2003.