Hill, W. A.    

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Publications as Author


Population of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in sweet potato fibrous roots, Dodo, H. W., Hill, W. A., Mulongoy, K., Adeyeye, S. O. and Hahn, S. K., volume 2, pages 99-104, Collection Actes de I'ISRA, 1990.
Sweet potato root and biomass production with and without nitrogen fertilization, Hill, W. A., Dodo, H. W., Hahn, S. K., Mulongoy, K. and Adeyeye, S. O., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 82, number 6, pages 1120-1122, ISSN 0002-1962, 1990.


Most probable numbers of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with sweet potato roots, Hill, W. A., Hahn, S. K. and Mulongoy, K., IDRC, 1987.