Van der Kruijs, A. C. M. B.    

Firstname:A. C. M. B. 
Surname:Van der Kruijs 

5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Leasing loss of calcium, magnessium potassium and nitrate derived from soil, and fertilizers as influence by urea applied to undisturbed lysemeters southest Nigeria, Wong, M.T.F., Van der Kruijs, A. C. M. B. and Juo, A. S. R., in: Fertilizer Research, volume 31, pages 281-289, 1992.


Alley cropping for food crop production in the humid and subhumid tropics, Kang, B., Van der Kruijs, A. C. M. B. and Couper, D. C., pages 16-26, IDRC, 1989.
Observations on decomposition rates of leaves of several shrub and tree species applied as mulch under humid tropical conditions, Van der Kruijs, A. C. M. B., van der Heide, J. and Kang, B., pages 361-366, Institute of Soil Fertility (IB), 1989.


Nitrogen management in multiple cropping systems, van der Heide, J., Van der Kruijs, A. C. M. B., Kang, B. and Vlek, P. L. G., in: Nitrogen Management in Farming Systems in Humid and Subhumid Tropics, pages 291-306, 1985.


Nitrogen management in multiple cropping systems, van der Heide, J., Van der Kruijs, A. C. M. B., Kang, B. and Vlek, P. L. G., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1984.