Ene, L. S. O.
2 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
1989 |
Evaluation of the productivity of cassava-yam-maize intercrop in the rainforest zone of Nigeria, Unamma, R. P. A., Udealor, A., Ezulike, T. O., Orkwor, G. C., Ene, L. S. O., Ikeorgu, J.* and Ezumah, H. C., pages 47-56, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1989. | 1988 |
A reivew of seed yam production by the minisett technique, Okoli, O., Ene, L. S. O. and Igbokwe, M. C., Paris & Guadeloupe, 1988. |
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