Response of maize (Zea mays) to the application of foliar fertilizers in the Sudan and Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria, Jemo, M., Nwoke, C.*, Pypers, P. and Vanlauwe, B., in: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, pages 1-10, ISSN 1436-8730, 2015. [DOI] |
Do commercial biological and chemical products increase crop yields and economic returns under smallholder farmer conditions?, Jefwa, J.*, Pypers, P., Jemo, M., Thuita, M., Mutegi, E., Laditi, M. A, Faye, A.*, Kavoo, A. M.*, Munyahali, W., Herrmann, L., Atieno, M., Okalebo, J. R., Yusuf, A. A.*, Ibrahim, A.*, Ndung'u-Magiroi, K. W.*, Asrat, A.*, Muletta, D.*, Ncho, C.*, Kamaa, M. and Lesueur, D., pages 81-96, chapter 7, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-07662-1, 2014. [DOI] |
Effects of commercial microbial inoculants and foliar fertilizers on soybean nodulation and yield in northern Guinea savannah of Nigeria, N'Cho, C.*, Yusuf, A. A.*, Ama-Abina, J.*, Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R. and Savane, I.*, in: International journal of Advance Agricultural Research, volume 1, pages 66-73, ISSN 2053-1265, 2013. |
Impact of inadequate regulatory frameworks on the adoption of bio-fertilizer (e.g. PGPR) technologies: a case study of sub-Saharan Africa, Masso, C., Jefwa, J., Jemo, M., Thuita, M., Tarus, D.* and Vanlauwe, B., in: Recent advances in biofertilizers and biofungicides (PGPR) for sustainable agriculture: proceedings of 3rd Asian Conference on Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and other Microbials, Manila, Philippines, 21-24 April, pages 276-286, Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture, 2013. |
Evaluation of microbial inoculants as biofertilizers for the improvement of growth and yield of soybean and maize crops in savanna soils, Laditi, M. A, Nwoke, C.*, Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R. and Ogunjobi, A.*, in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 7, number 3, pages 405-413, ISSN 1991-637X, 2012. [DOI] |
Profitability analysis of commercial chemical and biological crop products among farm households in agro-ecological zones of West Africa, Bamire, A. S.*, Abaidoo, R., Jemo, M., Abdoulaye, T., Yusuf, A. A. and Nwoke, C.*, in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 7, number 23, pages 3385-3394, ISSN 1991-637X, 2012. [DOI] |
Increasing productivity and utilization of food yams in Africa through improved soil fertility, Lopez-Montes, A., Asiedu, R., Jemo, M., Hauser, S., Bhattacharjee, R. and Matsumoto, R., Abstract, P.98 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28, September, 2012. |
Biological nitrogen fixation potential by soybeans in two low-P soils of southern Cameroon, Jemo, M., Nolte, C., Tchienkoua, M.* and Abaidoo, R., in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 88, pages 49-58, ISSN 1385-1314, 2010. [DOI] |
Biological nitrogen fixation potential by soybeans at two low-P soils of southern Cameroon, Jemo, M., Nolte, C. and Abaidoo, R., in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, ISSN 1385-1314, 2008. |
Aluminum resistance of cowpea as affected by phosphorus-deficiency stress, Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R., Nolte, C. and Horst, W. J., in: Journal of Plant Physiology, volume 164, number 4, pages 442-451, ISSN 0176-1617, 2007. |
Aluminum resistance of cowpea as affected by phosphorus-deficiency stress, Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R., Nolte, C. and Horst, W. J., in: Journal of Plant Physiology, volume (under review), 2006. |
Phosphorus benefits from grain-legume crops to subsequent maize grown on acid soils of southern Cameroon, Jemo, M., Abaidoo, R., Nolte, C., Tchienkoua, M.*, Sanginga, P. and Horst, W. J., in: Plant and Soil, volume 284, number 1-2, pages 385-397, 2006. |