Watt, E. E.    

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Publications as Author


Cowpea research in Brazil, Watt, E. E. and de Araujo, J. P. P., 1988.
O caupi no Brazil, Watt, E. E. and de Araujo, J. P. P., 1988.


Achivement in breeding cowpeas in Latin America, Watt, E. E., Kueneman, E. and de Araujo, J. P. P., in: Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization edited by S.R. Singh and K.O. Rachie, pages 125-135, 1985.


The inheritance of male sterility from three sources of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), Ladeinde, T. A. O.*, Watt, E. E. and Onajole, A. A., 1976.


Testing and evaluation of cowpeas, Watt, E. E., in: Proceedings of IITA Collaborators' Meeting on Grain Legume Improvement held at IITA on 9-13 June, 1975 edited by R. A. Luse and K. O. Rachie, pages 11-13, 1975.